[국제재무] Nomura group의 성장에 관한 분석(영문)

 1  [국제재무] Nomura group의 성장에 관한 분석(영문)-1
 2  [국제재무] Nomura group의 성장에 관한 분석(영문)-2
 3  [국제재무] Nomura group의 성장에 관한 분석(영문)-3
 4  [국제재무] Nomura group의 성장에 관한 분석(영문)-4
 5  [국제재무] Nomura group의 성장에 관한 분석(영문)-5
 6  [국제재무] Nomura group의 성장에 관한 분석(영문)-6
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 11  [국제재무] Nomura group의 성장에 관한 분석(영문)-11
 12  [국제재무] Nomura group의 성장에 관한 분석(영문)-12
 13  [국제재무] Nomura group의 성장에 관한 분석(영문)-13
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 15  [국제재무] Nomura group의 성장에 관한 분석(영문)-15
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 17  [국제재무] Nomura group의 성장에 관한 분석(영문)-17
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[국제재무] Nomura group의 성장에 관한 분석(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
2.Background: Nomura & Lehman
3.The deal
The Nomura Group (野村グループ) formerly Nomura zaibatsu (野村財閥) : one of the major industrial and financial conglomerate groupings of Japan.

Its origins were in Osaka, but today operates out of Tokyo.

From oil and gas to construction, chemicals and foodstuffs, as well as what it is known for internationally, as a financial powerhouse.

Nomura Securities : internationally known conglomerate of financial services and consulting, along with Nomura Research Institute.

Major offices at the World Financial Center in New York City, at the International Finance Centre in Hong Kong, and at Nomura House in London.

September 15, 2008-Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. (“Lehman”) - filed for protection under Chapter 11 of the US Bankruptcy Code.

Sensing a unique opportunity - Takumi Shibata closely followed events at Lehman.

Mr. Shibata was firm in his refusal to take on any of the trading assets and investments or to assume any of the liabilities of the insolvent firm - Human capital was the driving force of the financial services business

The Asian operations of Nomura could gain approximately 2,600 employees across 11 offices in 8 countries, including Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, and Singapore.

Lehman's Indian operations - not only a strong back-office staff but also cutting-edge IT assets.

As CEO, Fuld had a high tolerance for risk. While world markets began to
experience a credit crunch in 2007, Lehman continued to do highly leveraged

When securitizing mortgage, the firm had held onto significant positions in
sub-prime and other lower-rated mortgage tranches, tranches that were by
then defaulting at an accelerated rate.

With global operations falling like dominoes in a tsunami, Lehman's
bankruptcy made immediate headlines around the world as the largest
corporate bankruptcy to date; a firm that was worth approximately US$42
billion only months earlier, in February 2008, was now worth nothing

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