[마케팅조사] 세븐몽키즈의 국내시장 점유율 확보

 1  [마케팅조사] 세븐몽키즈의 국내시장 점유율 확보-1
 2  [마케팅조사] 세븐몽키즈의 국내시장 점유율 확보-2
 3  [마케팅조사] 세븐몽키즈의 국내시장 점유율 확보-3
 4  [마케팅조사] 세븐몽키즈의 국내시장 점유율 확보-4
 5  [마케팅조사] 세븐몽키즈의 국내시장 점유율 확보-5
 6  [마케팅조사] 세븐몽키즈의 국내시장 점유율 확보-6
 7  [마케팅조사] 세븐몽키즈의 국내시장 점유율 확보-7
 8  [마케팅조사] 세븐몽키즈의 국내시장 점유율 확보-8
 9  [마케팅조사] 세븐몽키즈의 국내시장 점유율 확보-9
 10  [마케팅조사] 세븐몽키즈의 국내시장 점유율 확보-10
 11  [마케팅조사] 세븐몽키즈의 국내시장 점유율 확보-11
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자료 다운로드  네이버 로그인
[마케팅조사] 세븐몽키즈의 국내시장 점유율 확보에 대한 자료입니다.
1. Current situation

2. Objective of research & purpose

3. Sampling design & research design

4. Analyze

5. Conclusion
1. Current situation
At this time, the coffee shop brand top 9 that are introduced in Korea.

This chart presents the ranking of coffee shop brand. It was conducted by the Brand Stock Inc. As you can see, this chart doesn't include the Seven monkeys which we are researching about.

2. Objective of research : Seven monkeys ( Korean brand )

We conduct this research in order to help the Seven monkeys have a stronger competitiveness in domestic coffee shop market by giving some suggestions as developing traditional drinks and side menus.

3. Sampling design
We conduct research to Fifty people who visit the Seven monkeys in Hongik University and Gangnam station.

4. Research design
To know people's the responses of our idea that is trying new service.
We take a questionnaire as a survey in oder to get some specific information from Seven monkeys users about traditional menus.
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