[미국사회] 미국의 자폐증 아이들

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 2  [미국사회] 미국의 자폐증 아이들-2
 3  [미국사회] 미국의 자폐증 아이들-3
 4  [미국사회] 미국의 자폐증 아이들-4
 5  [미국사회] 미국의 자폐증 아이들-5
 6  [미국사회] 미국의 자폐증 아이들-6
 7  [미국사회] 미국의 자폐증 아이들-7
 8  [미국사회] 미국의 자폐증 아이들-8
 9  [미국사회] 미국의 자폐증 아이들-9
 10  [미국사회] 미국의 자폐증 아이들-10
 11  [미국사회] 미국의 자폐증 아이들-11
 12  [미국사회] 미국의 자폐증 아이들-12
 13  [미국사회] 미국의 자폐증 아이들-13
 14  [미국사회] 미국의 자폐증 아이들-14
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자료 다운로드  네이버 로그인
[미국사회] 미국의 자폐증 아이들에 대한 자료입니다.
- 동기
- 자폐증 정의
- 미국에서의 자폐증 수치
- 미국에서 밝혀진 자폐증 원인 또는 증상
- 종교적 입장
- 자폐아 차별에 대한 노력
- 미국내의 자폐증 치료법

초기 증상
말을 느리게 하거나 못하게 됨.

반복되는 언어사용(말 더듬) 혹은 움직임.

눈을 마주치지 않으려고 함.

사람간의 관계에 전혀 관심이 없고 비사회적인 태도를 보임.

움직임이 둔해짐.

한 관점에 병적으로 응시.

빠른 속도로 증가!!!

최근 100명중 1명꼴로 autism spectrum disorder(ASD)진단을 받음.
2007년 150명중 1명
2009년과 2010에 같은 수치를 기록
90명의 부모 중 1명이 ASD를 가지고 있고, 남자아이의 경우 58명중에 1명 형태

>>> 암, 당뇨, 에이즈를 합한 수보다 더 많은 아이들에게 영향을 미치는 빠르게
자라나는 발달 장애.

The Jewish Perspective"
By Joshua Weinstein

Before Passover, my other children enthusiastically presented me with the projects they had made in Yeshiva (Hebrew school). My heart sank when my son who has autism and attends a public school brought me his book bag, which I opened only to find the Easter egg he had painted in class. My son knows how to say the "Shema" prayer, but can also tell me stories about Santa and the Reindeer.
We have accepted that God has chosen for us to have a child with autism. When he became of school age and we sought to provide him with a Jewish education, we were extremely disheartened to learn that not a single school program existed that would serve the needs of Jewish children with autism. Doesn't each and every Jewish child deserve the opportunity to receive a Jewish education to the best of their individual abilities?

By Terri Connolly

The church experience is often one of generational tradition for many families. Other families recognize their need for a place of spiritual refuge and nurturing for the first time in their lives when they have children or at other trying times.
Christ's example of "agape," or unconditional love, is paramount to our understanding of the role of acceptance in the church. Too many parents and siblings, as well as the individual with autism, are asked to leave or feel so uncomfortable that they lose this most precious part of their lives, and at a time when they are most in need.
The behaviors associated with autism often present challenges for the family church experience, yet I often find myself wondering: "If not church, then where can an individual be accepted exactly as they are with unlimited love and inclusion?" Families of faith need to find a church where all of its members can be nurtured. By integrating the individual with autism as a regular member of the church, with resource help and community-wide education, the church becomes accessible to the whole family, and the family, in turn, is strengthened through shared faith experiences.

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