[정책집행론] 정책집행론의 포괄적 접근(영문)

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 12  [정책집행론] 정책집행론의 포괄적 접근(영문)-12
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[정책집행론] 정책집행론의 포괄적 접근(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
1.Introduction : Definition of two approaches and Comparison
2. Case Study
1) Application of New Model
2) Analysis about four cases
3. Conclusion
▶ The Traditional view of
Execution , Politics-
Administration dichotomy

▶ Emphasis on policy makers’
power to move forward,
▶ No discretion for policy
▶ The place of execution ,
performances of public
servants, motivation and
interaction of groups
▶ Converging diverse
opinions → securing
democracy / waste of
time and cost

CASE : U.S. the revision of health care insurance

The insurance companies and medicine companies
are strongly negative for this policy decision.
Most of U.S. citizens get the profit by the policy

The leadership and legal standards are required rather
than Discretion.

CASE : Jin-an county, Setting up the town

This policy had to consider the specialty and environment of
the town and set the development strategy.
Enough agreement between the residents and the mediation
of ideas with implementers' discretion

The policy succeeded through the conversation and debate
between the residents and mutual agreement.

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