[인사관리] 인턴채용의 장단점(영문)

 1  [인사관리] 인턴채용의 장단점(영문)-1
 2  [인사관리] 인턴채용의 장단점(영문)-2
 3  [인사관리] 인턴채용의 장단점(영문)-3
 4  [인사관리] 인턴채용의 장단점(영문)-4
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[인사관리] 인턴채용의 장단점(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
I. Introduction – why we choose this topic

II. Body – history and pros & cons of internship

1. The changes of past and present internship
2. Pros and Cons of Internship program - Company's Position
3. Pros and Cons of Internship program - Job seeker's Position

III. Conclusion
2. Pros and Cons of Internship program - Company's Position

Internship is a cost-effective way to recruit future talent and customers for company. In the short run, company gets motivated, intelligent team members at little cost. In the long run, company can build a network of tomorrow's most senior professionals and potential clients.

There are many advantages to hiring interns to work in your company.

1. Hiring an intern can cost you far less than hiring someone who has a lot of experience in that fiddle of work. Think of interns as an added hand that will not cost you as much as it would if you were to hire someone who had been in that type of business for years.

2. Interns have not become comfortable in the company yet so they are going to be listening and trying to learn everything that you will teach them. When people become too comfortable with their working environment, they often lose the focus that was once there and they will often begin to slack up on the work. Interns are fresh faces and they are there to learn as much as they can to help them whey do finish college.

3. Interns make great workers when they finish college. Most companies will offer them a spot after they finish their college and internship because they already know about the company and how things are done in the business. Some companies will hire them so that they can fill an empty spot and pay them less than what they normally would since they are in a training process. Once the college is over with, they offer them a place to fill that empty spot instead of training someone new.

Interns can be a great way to help the company, but there are also some disadvantages for company to hiring interns.

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