코르크 마개의 유래(영문)

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 2  코르크 마개의 유래(영문)-2
 3  코르크 마개의 유래(영문)-3
 4  코르크 마개의 유래(영문)-4
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코르크 마개의 유래(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
Ⅰ.The Origion of Cork

Ⅱ.Cork Oak

Ⅲ.Corks' Role

Ⅳ.Kind of Cork

Ⅴ.Change of Cork History

Ⅵ.Features of Cork

Ⅶ. Corks' storage

Ⅷ. Future of Cork

Ⅹ.Cork Screw
Ⅲ.Corks' Role
-Cork’s effect is not to aerate and improve their scent and taste with a slight touch of air.
-Why would it be closed by cork stopper?
There is no ideal stopper than cork stopper anything else. Cork is light and clean and almost perfection to block permeability. Cork itself is very soft. But after it is settled in the bottle neck, it almost never moves. It does not shrink, inflate or rot. More than any other features, cork has extraordinary flexibility. When the machine puts cork stopper in to bottle neck, cork immediately inflate and makes it water proof and vacuum.

Ⅳ.Kind of Cork
–Normal cork / usually used for medium-priced wine.
Champagne cork / Twin top is made of scrappy corks
-Europian like france always persist oak tree cork.
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