[정신의학] 외상후 스트레스 장애(Post traumatic stress disorder)

 1  [정신의학] 외상후 스트레스 장애(Post traumatic stress disorder)-1
 2  [정신의학] 외상후 스트레스 장애(Post traumatic stress disorder)-2
 3  [정신의학] 외상후 스트레스 장애(Post traumatic stress disorder)-3
 4  [정신의학] 외상후 스트레스 장애(Post traumatic stress disorder)-4
 5  [정신의학] 외상후 스트레스 장애(Post traumatic stress disorder)-5
 6  [정신의학] 외상후 스트레스 장애(Post traumatic stress disorder)-6
 7  [정신의학] 외상후 스트레스 장애(Post traumatic stress disorder)-7
 8  [정신의학] 외상후 스트레스 장애(Post traumatic stress disorder)-8
 9  [정신의학] 외상후 스트레스 장애(Post traumatic stress disorder)-9
 10  [정신의학] 외상후 스트레스 장애(Post traumatic stress disorder)-10
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  • [정신의학] 외상후 스트레스 장애(Post traumatic stress disorder)
  • [정신의학] 외상후 스트레스 장애(Post traumatic stress disorder)
  • 신라통일전쟁과 질병 신라통일 전쟁기의 질병을 통한 당대 사회와 질병에 대한 고찰
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  • 2021년 2학기 심리학에게 묻다 -10장의 “삶의 폭풍 지나가기” 를 참고하여(기타 자료 참고 가능), 외상 후 스트레스 장애에 대해 설명한 후, 외상을 극복하고 외상 후 성장을 이루기 위해 할 수 있는 일이 무엇인지 내가 생각하는 방법을 제시하시오
  • 재난 PTSD 증상 및 치료방법
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    [정신의학] 외상후 스트레스 장애(Post traumatic stress disorder)에 대한 자료입니다.

    1. Intro
    2. Definition
    3. Diagnosis
    4. Symptoms
    5. Statistical figures & Genders
    6. Etiology
    7. Treatment options
    8. Conclusion


    2.Increase in Overall Pain
    PTSD can also cause a sensation of increased overall pain, according to a fact sheet released by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs. Although the mechanism is often not known, PTSD sufferers are sometimes diagnosed with fibromyalgia, and links between stress and fibromyalgia have been found. According to a study by nurse Lorna Morelli-Loftin, some people suffering from PTSD develop arthritis as a result of their PTSD. Although the overall mechanism isn't fully understood, it is thought that excessive stress hormones may trigger arthritis.

    3.Lower Energy
    People suffering from PTSD often describe lower energy levels. Although this is a physical symptom, it is likely caused by other physical and psychological symptoms of PTSD. According to the Hypoglycemic Health Association of Australia, PTSD can affect how the body uses insulin, resulting in lower blood glucose levels. Because glucose is the food used at the cellular level, lower glucose levels result in lower energy levels.

    4.Digestive Problems
    In some cases, people with PTSD describe a number of digestive problems, according to information from Wisconsin's Aurora Health Care. According to an article in the "Psychiatric Times," these problems can range from indigestion to more-serious eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulemia.

    5. Headaches
    People suffering from PTSD often report more-frequent and severe headaches. According to Britain's Royal College of Psychiatrists, some of the headaches have been shown to be a result of increased muscle tension in people who suffer from