아일랜드(Ireland)의 역사와 문화(영문)

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자료 다운로드  네이버 로그인
아일랜드(Ireland)의 역사와 문화(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
2.History of Ireland
3.Wearing of the “green”
4.Oxegen Festival
8.Tourist attraction
9.Guinness Store House

Oxegen Festival

; rock festival
; since 2004~
; 2010 line up – Black eyed peas, Muse, Eminem, Fat boy slim…

Mary Patricia McAleese

McAleese is Ireland's second female president
and the world's first woman to succeed
another woman as an elected head of state.

Ireland has been flayed by three crisis budgets since 2008 and a fourth is imminent, leading to warnings that the end of the fiscal and economic pain is nowhere in sight for the European Union’s newest bailout victim.

This week, likely on Wednesday, the Irish government is to roll out a four-year fiscal plan anchored by exceedingly harsh austerity measures. Economists expect it to include €15-billion ($21-billion) of fresh cutbacks, with the biggest chunk coming in the first year, plus some tax hikes and proposals for thousands of public sector jobs losses.

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