카페베네 광고 전략(영문)

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※ 미리보기 이미지는 최대 20페이지까지만 지원합니다.
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  • 등록일
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  • 구매가격
  • 적립금
자료 다운로드  네이버 로그인
카페베네 광고 전략(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
1. Executive Summary
2. Company Description
3. Strategic Focus and Plan
4. Situation Analysis
5. Market-Product Focus
6. Marketing Program
7. Financial Data and Projections
8. Organization
9. Implementation Plan
10. Evaluation and Control

1. Executive Summary

As the market of the coffee shops is growing bigger and bigger, the competition in the market is also getting more fierce. In this situation, the Korean brand "Caffebene" has became the top brand in Korea only after 3 years of their establishment - by opening around 800 coffee shops in Korea, making almost a hundred billion won for their selling. What is the success point of the Caffebene? Also what is the weakness point of the Caffebene?

The coffee shops industry is changing. In the past, people was just 'drinking' the coffee. But nowadays, people buy the atmosphere as well as the coffee. Caffebene has been trying many things to satisfy the customer's needs. Being different from the existing coffee shops, Caffebene has some strong unique points. It has their special interior and differentiated shops which are classic and cozy. Also it has no loyalty so it can focus on other parts of the marketing and to improve their brand image. It made a system FTT which enables itself to control the process of the coffee making system. While the FTT system, it also enables itself to roast in Korea.

But it has its weakness also. Also there are many existing coffee shops, as it is the late-starter, it couldn't get the best locations at first time and its brand image was not that much known to people. And last, it has some expensive price.
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