[국제경영] 중국 이마트 경영전략

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[국제경영] 중국 이마트 경영전략에 대한 자료입니다.
2.Industry Trends
3.E-mart analysis
4.Foregin Market entry process
5.Hypermarkets in China
6.Failures In China
3 E-mart Analysis
1.30%Annual Sales growth of first half of growth is more than 30%
until befor/after 2002

2. Sales growth fell to about 10% of annual average in 2003~2007,
But reached height rising Operating margin to 8%

After 2008, Growth through launching new business lowered to
less than 10%, so E-mart turned attention to overseas market
and M&A(wall mart Kores)

1.Competition of domestic hyper markets market is intensifying.
But decline phenomenon in Market share of E-mart doesn’t

2. Operater Losing market share in industry is other operater
except E-mart, Home plus and Lotte mart and their market
share is estimated to be down 9%

3. Market dominance of E-mart in domestic market will not be weakend
through considering current trends and future opening plan in total

4 Foregin market entry process
Blue ocean China
more than 150 new store is expected to open each year
More than 150 new store is expected to open each year in China

Foregin outlet, Carrefour, Wal-mart, Tesco ,was entering China market securing share up to 90%

However, there were many company experienced deterioration in business due to unreasonable opening.
For example, China Tenzin No.1 outlet, Zia tsuziae, put the
store due to deterioration in business and Lotus experienced
situation to need to stop new store opening

Slow growth in domestic market
Market increased sharply after IMF, Congestion in local business zone
Deepening of price competitiveness around Congestion region
Slow growth of business of department store
China’s rapid growth through market opening
Foregin funded enterprise check & price competitiveness securing
Capital and global distribution network of foregin company
The potentional to threaten the market position of E-mart is high
Preparation against low price of foreign company in mutinational goods sourcing

Competition with global company,
Carrefour, Wal-mart, which have
Tremendous financial resources

Advance to China market using
mid-and premium-priced strategics

Low prive competitiveness of E-mart
compared to competitors

Fancy E-mart’s strategy like department store
Failed to tempt Chinese consumers emphasizing practicality

1.중국 이마트 홈페이지(www.e-mart.com.cn)
2.한화증권 리서치센터 ‘한국 유통의 메가 트렌드를 잡아라’
3.삼성증권 2011. 10. 11 이마트 분석 보고서
4.주간무역 기사 2012.02.24 ‘중국 마트의 1인자, 따룬파’
5.아주경제 기사 2011.07.11 ‘이마트 중국진출 실패가 주는 교훈은’
6.이데일리 기사 2012.03.29 ‘흙 묻은 채 그대로 진열…매출 껑충’
7.연합뉴스 기사 2011.08.16 '구조조정' 중국 이마트, 베이징 양차오점 가보니
8.신세계 상업사 박물관 Q&A- 이마트의 성장과 발전" 그리고 "이마트의 중국 진출 현황"
9. 신세계 윤리경영 홈페이지(http://ethics.shinsegae.com)

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