영문 Diva디바 영화 대사

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※ 미리보기 이미지는 최대 20페이지까지만 지원합니다.
  • 분야
  • 등록일
  • 페이지/형식
  • 구매가격
  • 적립금
  • 레포트 > 독후감
  • 2015.05.29
  • 11페이지 / hwp
  • 1,400원
  • 42원 (구매자료 3% 적립)
자료 다운로드  네이버 로그인
영문 Diva디바 영화 대사에 대한 자료입니다.
Diva Script
A motorcycle? No , a small motorcycle . . . a moped . A moped . Pilot? No , postman . Darling ! You were very moving , the princess insists on seeing you . What a pleasure it is to see you ! What a show! We hadnt seen her since San Francisco . lt was beautiful . She is sublime . Theres Nadia . What the hell is she doing? No wait, somethings wrong ! See you ! Okay, bye ! Oh , excuse me ! You didnt see a thing , little shit. Police . Scram ! Dont move ! Watch out! Quick, lets go ! Shit! Miss, your carton please ! Your carton . What about my carton? Come on . . . ls it okay? Can l get dressed now? lm sorry. WHO STOLE THE DlVAS DRESS? ls it the Opera? No , its my butt. Dont worry, l dont work there . Do you like jazz? Obviously! Or ld be stealing some mambo . Too bad l only like disco music. . . the classics dont do it for me . lm not a classic, lm a lyric. Thats an overture . Hurry up, because lm about to close . Dont worry. Do you mind if we talk? Yes l do , why? - Was that you in the pictures? - No , it was a crocodile ! Whats your trick? Here , look. . . Not too dumb. Of course , its only a cottage industry. And for the collections, you arrange an air lift? - l have something else . - What is it? Well , you ! So , you steal a lot? - lts not for me , its to give away. - To whom? Youre really not the curious type , are you? lts to give to a guy, whos in his cool period . Who is he? A mongrel , a rasta . . . Hey, dont walk so fast! A guy who dreams of stopping the waves! Deep inside , youre a lyric! Anyhow, one of them invited me for dinner tonight. She split this morning . . . l n the middle of the street, but we got her! We had no choice ! Anyway, shell be quiet now. Yes. lts under way, yes, no tracks. l dont like cars. Tell me Mortier, did you identify this girl? Yes. Nadia Kalonsky. . . . . . a former prostitute who disappeared a few months ago . The funny thing is, we had something on her. Do you have a file? The investigation on the international drug trade and prostitution ring . Ah , yes. Your famous Antillean network. - Chief l nspector, l know you doubt. . . - l dont doubt anything , Mortier. Youve never produced a single valid witness! Theyre always dead . Paula , why were you at the railroad station . . . . . . at the time of the murder? Were you taking the train? lt wasnt a coincidence . He called me , we had an appointment. He wanted me to meet her. - Who is this guy? - Hes one of my informers. Hes a bum . Youd better agree . Hes on parole . . . . . . and the judge found him a job at a carnival lottery in Barbes. lts really great for his social rehabilitation ! This Nadia Thinginsky. . . . . . according to your statement. . . . . .was supposedly killed because she was about to talk? She hinted that she knew who the leader of the Antillean network was. So , she knew the Antillais? No , thats the point. The Antillais wouldnt be the real boss. - She had some revelations to make . - What revelations? She couldnt tell me much . She was hiding when she called . Why? Was she being watched? All l know is that she woke me up last night. She seemed hounded . She asked me to pick her up at the station to protect her. To protect her, you ! We used to be together, a long time ago . So , why did you contact us, the police? - What? - Why did you call the police?! Because its too big for me . Nadia is something from the past. lts the past. l know nothing . l called you right away. Why did you prevent me from intervening? l didnt prevent anything ! l wanted to see . . . l didnt know. Well , we saw. . . but we dont know anything . What was the gentleman accused of? l ndecent exposure on the street. To a minor. Check it out. . . As usual . You have nice witnesses. Pathetic. . . Not so ! Youre pathetic! l know your cop tricks. Youve heard the cassette , but you want me to talk as well . l know nothing . l got you the cassette , lll say nothing else ! The cassette? You found a cassette? Krantz, you never told me about this. l had nothing to tell you . l told you l was going to make you meet Nadia . Theres Nadia . No wait, somethings wrong . She told me she recorded everything . . . . . . and that there was enough to sink the guy. Dont move ! From the cafe where we sat, we couldnt see . We were too far. The cassette is in the postmans satchel . We must find it. And three . Thats it? They said they would increase my pension . . . . . . because theyre widening the street. Those are stories, grandma . Widening arteries have never caused an increase in pension . Good-bye . So , am l a coloratura or a lyric? - Tell me , what am l? - Rather dramatic. Dramatic? You had said lyric! No , dramatic is just as well . lts even better. The decor is rather gloomy. You think so? Here , were into disaster. . . luxurious disaster. And this one? What is it? The lady has taste . lts a Rolls Royce . . . . . . Corniche ! lt happened in Monaco , at the casino , against a palm tree . Yes. . . We are not much indeed ! You wouldnt
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