영문 Hard Eight 하드 에이트 영화 대사

 1  영문 Hard Eight 하드 에이트 영화 대사-1
 2  영문 Hard Eight 하드 에이트 영화 대사-2
 3  영문 Hard Eight 하드 에이트 영화 대사-3
 4  영문 Hard Eight 하드 에이트 영화 대사-4
 5  영문 Hard Eight 하드 에이트 영화 대사-5
 6  영문 Hard Eight 하드 에이트 영화 대사-6
 7  영문 Hard Eight 하드 에이트 영화 대사-7
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 9  영문 Hard Eight 하드 에이트 영화 대사-9
 10  영문 Hard Eight 하드 에이트 영화 대사-10
 11  영문 Hard Eight 하드 에이트 영화 대사-11
 12  영문 Hard Eight 하드 에이트 영화 대사-12
 13  영문 Hard Eight 하드 에이트 영화 대사-13
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 15  영문 Hard Eight 하드 에이트 영화 대사-15
 16  영문 Hard Eight 하드 에이트 영화 대사-16
 17  영문 Hard Eight 하드 에이트 영화 대사-17
 18  영문 Hard Eight 하드 에이트 영화 대사-18
 19  영문 Hard Eight 하드 에이트 영화 대사-19
 20  영문 Hard Eight 하드 에이트 영화 대사-20
※ 미리보기 이미지는 최대 20페이지까지만 지원합니다.
  • 분야
  • 등록일
  • 페이지/형식
  • 구매가격
  • 적립금
  • 레포트 > 독후감
  • 2015.05.29
  • 100페이지 / hwp
  • 4,000원
  • 120원 (구매자료 3% 적립)
자료 다운로드  네이버 로그인
영문 Hard Eight 하드 에이트 영화 대사에 대한 자료입니다.
Hard Eight Script
You want a cup of coffee?
You want a cigarette?
Im a guy thats offering
to give you a cigarette...
buy you a cup of coffee.
Whats your name?
You wanna see the menus?
No, I dont think so.
Come from Vegas? Reno?
From Vegas.
You lost some money?
You won some money.
I broke even.
What were you playing?
You know how to count cards?
You said you were playing blackjack.
Do you know how to count cards?
In my experience,
if you dont know how to count cards...
you oughta stay away
from blackjack.
Thanks for the tip, Mr. Helpful.
- Hey, John.
- What?
John, were sitting here. I bought you
a cup of coffee, gave you a cigarette.
Look at me.
You wanna be a wise-ass,
go outside and take a seat.
If you wanna talk to me...
well, then--
Never ignore a mans courtesy.
Lets talk about Vegas.
Lets talk about
what happened to you.
Because something did happen.
Maybe I can help.
You wanna help me?
- You look like you could use a friend.
- You wanna be my friend?
Then give me $ .
Do you have that?
Can you give a total stranger $ ?
Because thats my trouble.
What do you need $ for?
- I need it.
- For what?
To bury my mother.
- You went to Vegas to win some money--
- No, I went to lose some money.
You went to win some money
to bury your mother?
To pay for her funeral?
That is very admirable.
I admire the intention.
I cant say its wise, though.
Do you have $
to give me?
No. I cant.
I didnt think so.
Isnt there someone who could--
Theres no one else.
Its me.
Im alone.
Thats it, okay?
There you go.
That gonna be it?
Yeah, I think so.
Thank you.
How much money
do you have left?
If I were to give you $
what would you do with it?
Id eat.
How long can you eat--
How long can you live on $ ?
I dont know.
I would bet...
not very long.
You would bet?
I tell you what.
You come with me back to Vegas.
Ill loan you $
and show you what you did wrong.
What are you, man?
You think youre St. Francis
or something?
No, I dont think
Im St. Francis.
Are you looking for a fag?
Im not some boy hooker,
if thats what youre after.
Im not looking
for a hooker, John.
Im offering you a ride.
Im offering to teach you
Well, Im telling you something
right now-- I dont suck dick.
I understand that,
and this is the last time Ill ask.
You want my help?
Ill fuck you up
if you fuck with me.
I know three types of karate--
jujitsu, aikido and regular karate.
All right.
A-- You give me a ride.
Two-- You give me bucks.
C-- I sit in the back.
Believe me, if you pull anything
I will fuck you up.
I believe you.
This is a nice ride, actually.
Can you pull over
for a second?
Can I get a cigarette?
The lighter doesnt work.
No, thanks.
The lighter doesnt work.
I heard you.
I just dont use matches.
Wanna hold the wheel a minute
so I can light mine?
You gonna smoke that?
- Why dont you use these matches?
- Its just a rule with me.
I dont use matches.
Why not?
I had a really bad experience once
and I promised Id never use em again.
Tell me.
You know those big monster
books of matches?
Those big daddy ones
with, like, matches in em?
I had one of those in my pocket once
and they lit on fire, exploded.
Matches just went off?
Yeah, it had something to do
with spontaneous friction, I guess.
They just went off.
Im standing in line for a movie
and all of the sudden--
Like that!
Scared the shit out of me.
I had a third-degree burn on my leg
this close to my dick.
That was a brand-new
pair of jeans too.
I thought about suing
that matchbook company too.
What are you gonna do,
you know?
Things happen.
This happens, that happens.
Shit just happens.
You deal with it.
John, Im gonna loan you bucks...
so why dont you tell me
what youre gonna do with it.
You asked me before--
You could take it
and play it a certain way...
long enough and hard enough
to get a bed and a meal.
Youre not gonna win $
I can assure you of that.
Well, if you show me
how to do that--
how to get a meal and a bed--
then Ill do that.
If you wanna show me.
First thing, go in the bathroom
and clean yourself up.
- The attendant has a razor you can use.
- Yeah, but Im growing a beard.
Once youre done,
find me in the bar.
- Hows that?
- Much cleaner.
Much better.
So, what now?
I lied when I said .
Youre gonna need .
- I knew it.
- Just relax, John.
Are you listening?
Go over to that woman
in the cashiers cage...
and ask her
for the floor man.
Shell point to a guy in a tuxedo--
the floor man.
You find this guy and say--
John Finnegan.
So, anyway,
I just flew into town and...
Im gonna be playing
in this casino.
I like this place.
Im gonna be spending
some money.
I hope I win some money
I just need someone to keep track
of what Im spending...
cause Im an impulsive gambler.
Can I get a rate card?
I got it.
He gave it to me.
Take this $
to that cashier...
and cash it in
for dollar tokens.
Hell note on the rate card...
the amount youve cashed
and the time of d
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  • 오늘 본 자료가 없습니다.
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