영문 The Hot Chick핫칙 영화 대사

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※ 미리보기 이미지는 최대 20페이지까지만 지원합니다.
  • 분야
  • 등록일
  • 페이지/형식
  • 구매가격
  • 적립금
  • 레포트 > 독후감
  • 2015.05.29
  • 73페이지 / hwp
  • 4,000원
  • 120원 (구매자료 3% 적립)
자료 다운로드  네이버 로그인
영문 The Hot Chick핫칙 영화 대사에 대한 자료입니다.
The Hot Chick Script
Where is my bride?
My wedding dress. Quickly, put it on.
Soon youll live your life in jewels and not chains.
Come, child.
Your groom awaits you.
Honeybees, all right, all right!
Honeybees, all right!
Whoo! Honeybees, all right, all right!
Honeybees, all right! Whoo!
You ready, Hildenburg?
I have one question.
Why am I dressed like one of the Fenmore Foxes?
Arent they our hated crosstown rivals?
Yes... but...
this years theme is unity... for "all" cheerleaders.
Have fun.
Wipe out the Foxes!
Boys are cheats and liars.
Theyre such a big disgrace.
They will tell you anything to get to second...
Baseball, baseball, he thinks hes gonna score.
If you let him go all the way, then you are a...
Hor... ticulture studies flowers...
Oh, no, she didnt.
Oh, yes, she did.
Girlfriends booty be "all" wrapped up in licious.
"All" wrapped up.
Youre pretty dope and phat yourselves.
Ling-Ling! You forgot lunch, baby pie!
Chicken with fried vegetable, bulgogi, and Kimchi.
Thanks, Mom.
Okay. You all learn real good now.
- Ling-Ling? - Ling-Ling?
Can somebody answer the phone?
Oh, dang, thats messed up.
Out of all the Korean liquor stores,
why did my dad have to walk into that one?
Im returning your papers on the Salem Witch Trials.
Im sad to report that Eden, here, got the only "A."
Well, thats not fair.
I mean, she was the only one who was actually there.
Vice-Principal Bernard.
Oh, Miss Spencer, wonderful job this morning.
You certainly know how to whip up a crowd.
As pretty as you are, I bet you really whipped them up
back when "you" were cheerleading captain, hmm?
Me? Oh, no, no, no.
I was much more of a band chick, actually... tuba...
lead tuba... honor band.
Well, then you wouldnt mind writing us some passes
so we could, uh, practice some new moves?
Oh, Jessica, I-I-I dont know about that.
You know, that trophy is gonna look "so" good
in your office.
All right.
Ohh! Ugh! Oh!
Mmm! Thats really good.
Um... how much do I owe you?
Its okay. Its on the house.
Whos gonna pay for that, asshole?
You are not gonna make it in this business.
You total binger!
April, this is gonna go straight to your ass.
"ltchbay" alert.
Jessica, you look great!
Are you doing something different
or just hanging out with skankier friends?
Wow, Bianca, you look really good, too.
Um... are you eating less or just barfing more?
Barfing more.
Good luck at the cheer competition.
You too.
Lets go, Winona.
Jess, what are you doing?
Hang on a sec.
This is kind of cool.
Can I help you ladies?
Oh, yeah. What is this?
Oh, yeah, I like that, too.
Its actually a Senegalese lute carved from deerwood,
used for fertility rituals and...
- Sure. Yeah. - Cool.
Oh, and you can put your weed in there.
Check this out.
Oh, yeah. Thats beautiful.
Its actually a model of the prison on Robben Island
where Nelson Mandela was held years.
- Oh. - Oh.
And before the collapse of apartheid, of course.
Yeah, he came out pretty hate-free, though,
you know, ready to heal...
went on to become the president of South Africa
after that... after they freed him, of course, sure.
- Wow. - Yeah.
A lot of people dont realize this,
but you can put your weed in there.
- Oh.
This is great. Sure.
Well, if you have any more questions,
Ill be in the back sleeping, so...
Okay. Thanks.
Oh, actually, this is the back. Sorry.
- Oh. - Oh.
This stuff makes me feel so proud to be African-American.
You walk right by Crazy Nail, no say "hi" me.
Hi, Mom.
Bye, girls!
Fake pearls!
Stop banging those drums!
Im sorry.
I didnt even know you could hear that.
Oh, my God. Look at those earrings.
Id be the envy of every girl at prom.
Not like that was in jeopardy or anything.
Um, excuse me. How much are these?
Not for sale. Thats a genuine artifact.
Okay, Im all set.
Is that all you got... $ ?!
Its a gas station.
Everybody pays with credit cards nowadays.
Help yourself to some nachos.
Hey, thats for Doug Fluties kids!
- Aah!
- Aah! - Aah!
- Im in here!
- Help!
You look really good.
Really good.
Um, excuse me...
The gas caps on "that" side.
Mm-hmm. Oh, Im sorry.
Uh, hello...
full service.
And, um, could you, like, check the oil
and all that other junk under the hood?
Like his job is that hard.
Minimum wage for a maximum loser.
Oh, good one.
Hey... check this out.
Sorry. Accident.
Youre so bad!
- Im okay.
Its okay. Im okay.
Hey, how much you bet I can get him again?
Oh. Uhh.
- Ow! Oh!
- Whoo!
Im so pretty.
I told you not to go through my stuff.
What are you doing wearing my bra?!
Im not "wearing" your bra.
I was simply holding it against myself.
Get out of my room, you little turd!
Wait a minute.
What happened to you?
Did that Cavanaugh kid do this to you?
All right. Come here.
He is such a punk.
You know, one of these days, hes gonna get it.
There you go.
Is that my lipstick?!
Oh, Je
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