영문 렌디션 Rendition영화 대사

 1  영문 렌디션 Rendition영화 대사-1
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※ 미리보기 이미지는 최대 20페이지까지만 지원합니다.
  • 분야
  • 등록일
  • 페이지/형식
  • 구매가격
  • 적립금
  • 레포트 > 독후감
  • 2015.05.29
  • 100페이지 / hwp
  • 4,000원
  • 120원 (구매자료 3% 적립)
자료 다운로드  네이버 로그인
영문 렌디션 Rendition영화 대사에 대한 자료입니다.
Rendition Script
It was great
to have you, Anwar.
Thank you.
It was an honor to be here.
Your presentation
was outstanding.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Okay. Take care.
Thank you.
Oh, theres my phone.
Sorry I have to rush. Im sorry.
Good save!
Again, Mom.
Okay. Here it comes.
Okay, get back up.
- Hello.
- Did you just try to call me?
- No. Where are you?
- Well, Im still in Cape Town.
Im on my way
to the airport now.
Okay. I thought you were
gonna call me earlier.
I know. Im sorry.
I had meetings all day.
- Oh, yeah. Right.
- Is that Dad?
Yeah. Do you wanna talk to him?
Your son wants a word with you.
Hold on.
Hey, Dad,
did you get me a present?
- Jeremy.
- What? He said he would.
- Did you?
- Hey, monkey. Sure I did.
Okay, cool.
- Okay, get in the goal. Hey.
- Come on, Mom.
- What are you doing?
- Im playing soccer.
Youll give my mother
a heart attack.
- Yeah. Nurus fine.
- Mom, kick the ball.
Is your flight schedule
still the same?
Connecting through Washington.
- Arrive Chicago at 7:45 p.m.
- Uh-huh.
Okay, well see you
at the airport.
- Okay. Bye.
- All right. I love you.
- I love you, too.
- Bye.
Okay. You get ready.
Here it comes.
Who you talkin to?
My grandmother.
She up early?
- Yeah.
- I call her once a week.
Are her goats in a frenzy?
When are they picking you up?
- Too soon.
- Yeah.
You know,
they cant see me here.
I know.
- I gotta go.
- Come on. Come a--Come here.
Seriously, stop kissing me.
Stop it.
I see you at the office.
Fatima...you came.
You waited.
Your CDs.
Get on.
Did you listen to them?
They were okay.
You have the worst taste
in music.
Stop, Khalid.
We cant go this way.
Its a shortcut.
Khalid, I said stop.
My father has tea here
every morning.
You see him?
Fatima, wait.
Fatima, wait.
I want to meet him.
I told you, you cant.
Has he called?
Only to yell at me.
We should run away, just go.
We have our studies, Fatima.
We have to be realistic.
Okay for you.
No ones forcing you to marry.
I just want to meet him.
He has chosen someone for me.
He has chosen.
He might like me more.
You dont know my father.
Daddy, did I wake you?
No, sweetheart.
Daddy, do you dream about me
when youre sleeping?
I dream...
about you...
and your mother...
and your sister.
Fatima said you stop dreaming
when you get married.
Shes wrong, sweetheart.
You dream all your life.
Its one of Gods gifts.
- Give me a kiss.
- No.
- One kiss.
- No.
Only one.
After Fawal,
we have meetings...
with Saeed El-Dalizi,
Minister of Interior...
Hamsa Reglori,
the head of defense.
Saeeds all right.
Reglori has a...a little bit
of a solophist back-story...
but he knows
which side hes on.
So, uh, this, uh, Fa-Fawal--
Whats his name?
- Abasi Fawal.
- Abasi Fawal.
- So hes the hard guy?
- Yeah. I--Ive never met him.
Youre the, uh, knuckle-dragger.
Im the pen-pusher.
Hell be more your contact
than mine.
They overload these donkeys
and cause accidents. Chaos.
Tea, please.
How long you been here?
Five and a half months.
Its just on the other side
of the square.
- Ahmid, whats going on?
- Accident, sir.
Fuckin traffic, man
Out the back! Out the back!
Mr. Freeman.
I am sorry.
- Lee Mayers.
- Lee, its Douglas.
Hows Dixon?
Hes dead.
Fuck. Where are you now?
At the hospital.
- Are you hurt?
- No. Im fine.
All right, listen. Youre gonna
have to step up for a while.
Fill in for Dixon. Report
directly to me. Understood?
Yeah, I understand.
Douglas, are you okay?
Corrine Whitman.
Yes, it is.
All right, go ahead.
Whats his condition?
Has anybody contacted
his wife yet?
No. I will do it.
- Any claim of responsibility?
- What is it?
No. All right. Im comin in.
Whats happened?
Suicide bombing over there,
and they got one of us.
Jesus. Its 2:00 A.M.
Yeah. Well, Im sure they
arranged it...
just to spite you, honey.
So hes Egyptian
with a green card?
Okay. Whens he land?
Okay, do it.
Im givin you
the authorization.
Welcome to Washington, D.C.
Please follow the signs
to U.S. Customs.
All arriving passengers
must clear customs here...
before embarking
on connecting flights.
Please have your passports and
customs declaration forms ready.
Excuse me.
- Mr. Anwar El-Ibrahim?
- Yes?
Sir, we have
an emergency message for you.
- Would you follow us, please?
- What do you mean? What is it?
- Is it my wife? Is she all right?
- I apologize, sir.
They dont give us
any details.
- I got it.
- Okay, lets go.
19 dead, 75 injured.
El-Hazim have
claimed responsibility.
And the new guy?
Shrapnel in the neck.
He bled to death.
You have calls
from Corrine Whitman, CIA...
and Mr. Davis
at the U.S. State Department.
Give me Corrine first.
One dead American.
Where am I?
Rashid Salimi.
Rashid Salimi.
No, sir.
My name is Anwar El-Ibrahimi.
Rashid is
an Egyptian national...
whos claimed responsibility
for todays terror attack.
What attack?
Why dont you tell me?
I dont know anything
about any attack of any kind.
Ive been on a plane
from South Africa for 18 hours.
Is this your phone?
It lo
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