  • [광고론] Hermes의 마케팅 전략(영문)
    in a very limited ways. Hermès targets their highly privileged customers by showing them what Hermès is trying to achieve ultimately: the high quality of life. This kind of targeting is possible and effective because of the company’s craftsmanship history which was mentioned above. Also the ‘being as scarce as possible’ strategy enabled them to position as a legendary high-end
    2010-09-27 | 2,100원 | 22p | 마케팅 광고론 Hermes 영문 전략   [광고론] Hermes의 마케팅 전략(영문)
  • [행정학] 장애인 고용정책 평가(영문)
    in labor market, there are trends that disabled people are recognized as the different people by social structural problem. That's why disabled people are distinguished from the main stream and they are likely to be seen inferior than common people. According to , the attitude research result shows that except for research from middle school, high school and social welfare agency volun
    2011-11-21 | 1,400원 | 14p | 고용정책 장애인 장애 고용 정책   [행정학] 장애인 고용정책 평가(영문)
  • [영문학] 중고생에게 셰익스피어 작품을 가르치는 이유와 그 영작 [A++]
    in elementary schools? J. S. Burner, one of the most known scholars in the cognitive education field, insisted "there`s nothing that the child could not understand if the material is written in understandable language that is equivalent to their capability." At a first look, people might think that Shakespeare would be too difficult for the elementary school students. However, elementary student
    2006-09-19 | 2,000원 | 11p | 셰익스피어 Shakespeare 초중고생 청소년 정체성   [영문학] 중고생에게 셰익스피어 작품을 가르치는 이유와 그 영작 [A++]
  • 일본의 화장품시장 분석 및 진출 방안 연구(영문)
    in Japan recommended cosmetics of South Korea, and Japanese people coming to South Korea to buy cosmetics. The same is Korean wave. Because of the popularity of Korean celebrities, the sales of product which is the popularity as a model, also has skyrocketed. Also the size of Japanese cosmetics market are the world’s second large. So thanks to these market conditions in the Japanese cosmetics m
    2012-09-20 | 3,400원 | 57p | 진출 화장품시장 분석 연구 일본   일본의 화장품시장 분석 및 진출 방안 연구(영문)
  • [국제커뮤니케이션] `싱가포르 언론이 말하는 한국의 모습`에 대한 연구
    in Singapore, currently owned by the Singapore Press Holdings (SPH). - was established on July 15, 1845, during British colonial rule -the country's highest-selling paper in any language, with a daily circulation of 388,500 in August 2006. As of 2008, it has an estimated readership of 1.23 million. - publishes two other English-language dailies - the broadsheet Business Times and The New Pap
    2009-09-03 | 2,400원 | 27p | the of to and in is for as a are   [국제커뮤니케이션] `싱가포르 언론이 말하는 한국의 모습`에 대한 연구
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