  • [재무회계] 건설회사 재무재표 분석(벽산, 두산, 대우, 금호)(영문)
    GDP = GNP(Gross National Product) - Net income from abroad. This is used as an indicator of purely domestic economic activity of one country. Byucksan Construction makes a contract Workout memorandum of understanding (MOU) Byucksan Construction suffered from long period of real estate market stagnation. Respite amortization of Byucksan Construction with bank creditor until the end of
    2011-06-27 | 2,400원 | 45p | 건설회사 재무회계 재무 재무재표 건설   [재무회계] 건설회사 재무재표 분석(벽산, 두산, 대우, 금호)(영문)
  • PF(프로젝트파이낸싱)정의,특성, PF(프로젝트파이낸싱)필요성, PF(프로젝트파이낸싱)참여자, PF(프로젝트파이낸싱)보증,문제점,개선방안 분석
    Ⅰ. 개요 프로젝트파이낸싱은 1856년 수에즈운하 개발사업이 그 효시라 하나 1920∼30년대 미국에서 은행들 이 차입능력이 취약한 유전개발업자들에게 장래에 생산될 석유의 판매대금을 상환재원으로, 매장된 석유를 담보로 하여 유전개발에 소요되는 자금을 융자하는 방식에서 시작되었다. 1930년대 이
    2011-04-03 | 6,500원 | 16p | PF 프로젝트파이낸싱 사업주 프로젝트 담보   PF(프로젝트파이낸싱)정의,특성, PF(프로젝트파이낸싱)필요성, PF(프로젝트파이낸싱)참여자, PF(프로젝트파이낸싱)보증,문제점,개선방안 분석
  • [경영학] 일본 천연화장품 수입 사업 계획서(영문)
    ◈ Market Analysis 1. Domestic Cosmetic Market In domestic cosmetic market, “brand marketing” is running. They launch a new product which is creative and eco-friendly idea. Because many consumers purchase cosmetic depending on brand value, brand marketing and aggressive promotion is essential. Look at this . You can know and see the market forecast in domestic cosmetic d
    2011-09-06 | 2,100원 | 26p | 천연화장품 화장품 계획서 수입 일본   [경영학] 일본 천연화장품 수입 사업 계획서(영문)
  • [국제경영론] 외국시장 진출 전략(영문)
    Selling goods to overseas markets through intermediaries through some other company. You give it to someone and he sells it for you, or your product is made part of another product and the product is exported. Someone else does all the work. Methods of indirect exporting *Filling orders from domestic buyers who then export the product. *Seeking o
    2011-03-14 | 2,800원 | 62p | 외국시장 국제경영론 시장 외국 진출   [국제경영론] 외국시장 진출 전략(영문)
  • 나이키 NIKE 경영전략 분석(영문)
    A thing that we should watch for these outsourcing in the case of Nike is the fact that it practices outsourcing as a strategic perspective which increased competitive advantage rather than mere cost saving. As turning the products on the third- party, all of their capabilities were focused at technology development and distribution and marketing, therefore, Nike maximizes their value. However, d
    2011-03-04 | 2,100원 | 20p | 경영 경영전략 나이키 분석 영문   나이키 NIKE 경영전략 분석(영문)
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