Marine Cargo Insurance

 1  Marine Cargo Insurance-1
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 19  Marine Cargo Insurance-19
 20  Marine Cargo Insurance-20
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Marine Cargo Insurance에 대한 자료입니다.
Marine Cargo Insurance
무역 영어 2
1. Marine Cargo Insurance Contract
2. Maritime Loss
3. ICC
4. 기출문제
7.1 Marine Cargo Insurance Contract Definition
"marine cargo insurance contract" means a "contract whereby, for a consideration, that is, premium, stipulated to be paid by one party, that is, the policy holder or insured, interested in shipped cargo that is subject to the risks from or incidental to the maritime navigation, another party, that is, the insurer or insurance company, undertakes to indemnify him against some or all of loss or damage caused by those risks during a certain period of time or voyage." Briefly speaking, obtaining marine insurance policy means that you are paying a fee to someone that will in turn make payments to cover any accidents if they occur during transportation. The insurance company is to bet that there will be far much more transports without damage than transports with damage and to cover the few transports that will have to enforce its insurance contract.
7.1 Marine Cargo Insurance Contract Concerned Parties
In marine cargo insurance contracts, there are parties concerned including: insurer, assurer, underwriter or insurance company, who promise to pay the claim amount to an insured, who is given a premium for the risks taken by him/her; the policy holder, who buys insurance contracts and promises to pay a premium according to a conclusion of insurance contract with an insurer; the insured or assured, who files a claim and is compensated for damage by the insurer in case of the loss caused by the risks covered under the insurance contract; insurance agent whose job is to con-clude insurance conrtacts on behalf of the insurer or to mediate the insurance contracts between the policy holder and the insurer as an independent merchant; and insurance broker whose job is to mediate an insurance contract between insurer and policy holder on behalf of the policy holder and at the same time the unspecified insurer, as an independent merchant.
7.1 Marine Cargo Insurance Contract
7.1.2 insurance broker - 보험중개인
In the ordinary course of international business transactions, the exporter, who wishes to have his products insured, sometimes, dose not approach the insurer directly but instructs an insurance broker to effect insurance on his behalf. where the exporter is the regular client of an insurance broker, he forwards his instructions on a form supplied by the broker and gives the required particulars. the broker, who is usually authorized to place the insurance within certain limits as to the rates of premium, writes the essentials of the proposed insurance in customary abbreviations on a document called "the ship", which he takes to a marine insurance company.
보험자 및 보험계약자 또는 피보험자 사이에서 보험계약체결을 매개하는 보험중개인을 Insurance Broker라고 부른다. 대리점이 보험회사를 위하여 보험회사의 대리권을 행사하는데 대하여 Broker는 보험계약자 측을 위하여 보험자로부터 유리한 보험조건, 보험료율을 취득하기 위하여 활동한다.
7.1 Marine Cargo Insurance Contract
7.1.3 insurable Interests - 피보험이익
With relation to the term "insurable interest", every person has an insurable interest who is interested in maritime transportation: for the object to be insurable interest, it should have legality, economic efficiency, determinacy of the loss or accident and possibility of loss.
해상보험은 선박,화물 등과 같은 보험목적물을 보호하는 것이 아니라 이러한 보험목적물과 이해관계가 있는 특정의 경제주체를 보호하기 위한 것이다. 보험목적물과 이해관계가 있는 자는 보험목적물이 위험에 노출될 경우 손해를 입을 수 있기 때문에 이에 대비해 보험계약을 체결한다. 이 계약에 의해서 불확실한 미래의 사고로부터 재산상 손해를 보상받을 수 있는 이익을 피보험이익이라 하며 적법성, 경제성, 확정성있는 이익을 요건으로 한다.
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