[다국적환대기업론] 트렌드가 식품, 관광 산업에 미치는 영향-주방공개용 CCTV, 테러위협(영문)

 1  [다국적환대기업론] 트렌드가 식품, 관광 산업에 미치는 영향-주방공개용 CCTV, 테러위협(영문)-1
 2  [다국적환대기업론] 트렌드가 식품, 관광 산업에 미치는 영향-주방공개용 CCTV, 테러위협(영문)-2
 3  [다국적환대기업론] 트렌드가 식품, 관광 산업에 미치는 영향-주방공개용 CCTV, 테러위협(영문)-3
 4  [다국적환대기업론] 트렌드가 식품, 관광 산업에 미치는 영향-주방공개용 CCTV, 테러위협(영문)-4
 5  [다국적환대기업론] 트렌드가 식품, 관광 산업에 미치는 영향-주방공개용 CCTV, 테러위협(영문)-5
 6  [다국적환대기업론] 트렌드가 식품, 관광 산업에 미치는 영향-주방공개용 CCTV, 테러위협(영문)-6
 7  [다국적환대기업론] 트렌드가 식품, 관광 산업에 미치는 영향-주방공개용 CCTV, 테러위협(영문)-7
 8  [다국적환대기업론] 트렌드가 식품, 관광 산업에 미치는 영향-주방공개용 CCTV, 테러위협(영문)-8
 9  [다국적환대기업론] 트렌드가 식품, 관광 산업에 미치는 영향-주방공개용 CCTV, 테러위협(영문)-9
 10  [다국적환대기업론] 트렌드가 식품, 관광 산업에 미치는 영향-주방공개용 CCTV, 테러위협(영문)-10
 11  [다국적환대기업론] 트렌드가 식품, 관광 산업에 미치는 영향-주방공개용 CCTV, 테러위협(영문)-11
 12  [다국적환대기업론] 트렌드가 식품, 관광 산업에 미치는 영향-주방공개용 CCTV, 테러위협(영문)-12
 13  [다국적환대기업론] 트렌드가 식품, 관광 산업에 미치는 영향-주방공개용 CCTV, 테러위협(영문)-13
 14  [다국적환대기업론] 트렌드가 식품, 관광 산업에 미치는 영향-주방공개용 CCTV, 테러위협(영문)-14
 15  [다국적환대기업론] 트렌드가 식품, 관광 산업에 미치는 영향-주방공개용 CCTV, 테러위협(영문)-15
 16  [다국적환대기업론] 트렌드가 식품, 관광 산업에 미치는 영향-주방공개용 CCTV, 테러위협(영문)-16
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[다국적환대기업론] 트렌드가 식품, 관광 산업에 미치는 영향-주방공개용 CCTV, 테러위협(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
Ⅰ. Trend 1 : CCTV

Ⅱ. Effects of "Trend 1" on the "industry of your choice"

Ⅲ. Trend 2 : Terror
1. Introduction
2. Terror effects
1). Concept and nature of terrorism
2). The relationship between tourism and terrorism
3). The case(U.S 9.11 terror)
4). Future challenges and issues in the hospitality

Ⅳ. Conclusion
1. Where should we advance?
2. Why is Indonesia?
3. Strategies for Success from the threat of terrorism

2). The relationship between tourism and terrorism

Terrorism is a political external environment affecting the tourism system and constantly receives. Already mentioned terrorism this tourist system of survival and growth inhibition and tourism schemes terrorism this are likely to occur, the soil. First, terrorism this tourist system, the impact of the three path works through.
The first is terrorism directly sightseeing system affects, terrorism this potential tourists fear into the hearts of trials by tourism activities caused dampen or a specific row in the Holy Land's journey dissuaded .Tourism is more than anything a pleasant environment and tourism, the mood of the escalating takes place when the condition acts 이항구, 현대관광총론(서울 : 탐구당, 1988), p.210
, especially when you think the dangers of terrorism, which is a potential tourist guiding you to take care of the tourism altogether by tourism friendly even deprived the opportunity.
That the second is that terrorism is the destination of political unrest, cause, political environment by tourist system impact. Terrorism is to destroy the default order of the country, the Government's drugs embodied, and, that prevention, police force commitment by volume in the people's basic needs freedom restrictions. Free movement when the tourism phenomenon in its fundamental characteristics are bound to lift shrinking.
Third, the terrorism this brought on by the political environment of the community all environment worse by tourist system affects. Terrorism is the people of their own threat to the safety and welfare, and comfortable life phrase can deprive them of their rights.
Risk of terrorism due to the decreased social interaction and self-distrust among people is their ability to break away from the community makes citizens. In this case, irreparable damage to the tourism system are. Tourism activities and abandon its roots plucked up again take considerable time buds are also used to seed germination. And the enormous expense and effort, even if they once existed in the original plant tour

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마켓 포인트
인도네시아 컴퍼니 뉴스
미국의 아프간 공습에 대한 반응 및 금식월의 모습과 관련되어 제시된 내용은 인도네시아 일간지 곰빠스(kompas), 뗌포(Tempo), 레뿌블리까(Republika)의 기사(10월 7~10일자 그리고 11월 8~12일자)

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