19대 총선 복지 정책 연구(영문)

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 5  19대 총선 복지 정책 연구(영문)-5
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 10  19대 총선 복지 정책 연구(영문)-10
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자료 다운로드  네이버 로그인
19대 총선 복지 정책 연구(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.

Ⅰ. Introduction - What is welfare and the 19th General Election
Ⅱ. Policy Evaluation
ⅰ. Childcare Policy
ⅱ. Housing Policy
ⅲ. The handicapped Policy
Ⅲ. Conclusion - Result and Alternatives
Ⅳ. Reference

Ⅰ. Introduction - What is welfare and the 19th General Election

What is welfare? What is the exact definition of welfare state? It is hard to define what it is. The dictionary definition for welfare is a contented state of being happy and healthy and prosperous. Also, in a political term, it means governmental provision of economic assistance to persons in need. From when the civil state was born in ancient times, the type of state has developed and changed throughout many centuries and people say now is the time of welfare state. As the productivity of many industries and work efficiency has increased, people’s need and desire for welfare has increased gradually and many of the states especially countries in north part of Europe developed many of the successful welfare programs and pension systems that can truly support the people in the nation.

In Korea, one of the problems with Korean welfare system that most experts usually talk about is that it lacks of ideology. It is mostly because the fundamental ideology for Korean politics is not based on just one, but policy and people itself. The 19th general election showed the result that people do not have basis whether to decide which ideology, conservative or liberal, is better and rather, people rely on the policies that politicians insist and the political party argues about. Speaking of general election, it was held in April 11th, 2012, and to make it brief, the conservative party, Saenuri party, won the election with majority of seats over Democratic United party, which is liberal. We cannot judge their welfare policies just by looking at the result of election, however, it is somewhat related because those are the policies and promises that people wanted to have in their life.

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