Bloomin`s Brands & Brinker International 경영전략(영문)

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Bloomin`s Brands & Brinker International 경영전략(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
1. Introduction of the entire project
2. Company Descriptions
3. The strategic Management Process
4. Evaluations and Recommendations
5. Summary of the Project
6. References & Appendix
1. Introduction of the entire project

In this project, our group selected the casual dining industry and chose 2 companies out of the industry. The company we chose is Bloomin’s brands. The company we selected as its rival is Brinker international. We selected the casual dining industry because most of our members are majoring in food service management and also because the brand Outback is one the most popular casual dining restaurant in Korea. The reason we chose Brinker international as the competitor is because it is a well known company in the U.S and is spread in various countries. However this company is not introduced in Korea, so we thought that it is a powerful potential entrant. So we wanted to compare these two company’s values and strategies.
First, we briefly introduced each of the two companies. In the introduction, we included history, and the brands of the company. Then we started the strategic management process. After looking at the mission and objectives of the two firms, we made an external analysis of the casual dining industry. We made the PEST analysis, and then the Five Forces Model analysis. Then we looked at the external environment of the industry and extracted the opportunities of the industry. And after, we analyzed the internal strengths and weaknesses of each company. By using the VRIO framework, we addressed the internal analysis. We identified strategic choices for each selected companies. After completing the strategic management process, our group made evaluations and recommendations of Bloomin’s brands.
We learned from this project that there are many strategic choices that firms can choose from. However, companies even from the same industry have different types of assets and internal environment. So the firms have to make a proper analysis of them and choose the right strategic choice that fits to their situation. That is what strategic management process is.

2. Company Descriptions

Brinker international

1) Introductions
Brinker International, Inc. (or simply Brinker) is a multinational hospitality industry company that owns the Chili's Grill & Bar and Maggiano's Little Italy restaurant chains. The company headquarters reside in Dallas, Texas and they operate 1,600 restaurants worldwide.
Brinker International Inc. is one of the world's leading casual dining restaurant companies. Founded in 1975 and based in Dallas, Texas, Brinker currently owns, operates, or franchises 1,700 restaurants under the names Chili's Grill & Bar (1,600 restaurants) and Maggiano's Little Italy (50 restaurants)

2012 Annual Report of Bloomin’s Brands
2012 Annual Report of Brinker International
2009 Strategy Report of Brinker International by Oasis Consulting
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