발행기관 : 한국EU학회 AND 간행물명 : Asia-Pacific Journal of EU Studies174 개 논문이 검색 되었습니다.
The Trademark Tarnishment and the Compensation for Non-Pecuniary Damages of Commercial Companies
( Joana Crisostomo )  한국EU학회, Asia-Pacific Journal of EU Studies [2013] 제11권 제2호, 105~122페이지(총18페이지)
TAG Non-Pecuniary Damage, Commercial Companies, Trademark Tarnishment
Emerging North East Asia and the EU: Cooperation Partner or Competitor
( Sang Chul Park )  한국EU학회, Asia-Pacific Journal of EU Studies [2013] 제11권 제1호, 1~22페이지(총22페이지)
TAG Global Shift, Economic Growth, Economic Power House, Emerging Market, North East Asia, the EU
Changes in Trade Patterns between Korea and the EU after the Korea-EU FTA
( Yoo Duk Kang )  한국EU학회, Asia-Pacific Journal of EU Studies [2013] 제11권 제1호, 23~51페이지(총29페이지)
TAG Free Trade Agreement, Korea-EU FTA, Recession, Intra-industry Trade, IIT, GL Index, Vertical and Horizontal Intra-industry trade, Marginal Intraindustry trade, MIIT
The Idea of East Asian Community: What can We Learn from Europe?
( Ting Wai )  한국EU학회, Asia-Pacific Journal of EU Studies [2013] 제11권 제1호, 53~67페이지(총15페이지)
TAG Regionalism, Regionalization, ASEAN, Free Trade Area, East Asia Community, Integration, Regionhoo
Learning From ACTA: The Best Way to Appear to be Concerned with the Intellectual-Propertyless
( Henrique Carvalho )  한국EU학회, Asia-Pacific Journal of EU Studies [2013] 제11권 제1호, 69~107페이지(총39페이지)
TAG ACTA, Debate, Democracy, European Parliament, Commission
Better Regulation through Governance in the European Union
( Chin Peng Chu ) , ( Dieter Eibel )  한국EU학회, Asia-Pacific Journal of EU Studies [2013] 제11권 제1호, 109~133페이지(총25페이지)
TAG European Union, European Governance, Open Method of Coordination, Smart Regulation, Principle of Subsidiarity, EU Social Policy
The Much Needed EU Pivoting to East Asia
( Patrick A Messwrlin )  한국EU학회, Asia-Pacific Journal of EU Studies [2012] 제10권 제2호, 1~18페이지(총18페이지)
TAG World Trade System, EU Trade Policy, Preferential Trade Agreements, Trans- Pacific Partnership, Trade, Growth and Domestic Regulatory Reforms
Hyperinflations in Europe in the Early 1920s and the Lessons for the 2010s
( Koo Woong Park )  한국EU학회, Asia-Pacific Journal of EU Studies [2012] 제10권 제2호, 19~40페이지(총22페이지)
TAG First World War, Reparations, Fiscal deficit, Gold standard, Hyperinflations
Fukushima`s Impact on EU: Rethinking Nuclear Power Safety and Energy Mix in a New Paradigm
( Nohisa Murakami )  한국EU학회, Asia-Pacific Journal of EU Studies [2012] 제10권 제2호, 41~59페이지(총19페이지)
TAG Fukushima Disaster, Bipolarization in EU, Nuclear Power Plant Safety, Tokyo`s Ulterior Motive, Changing Energy Mix
Recent Changes in OCA Indexes of East Asia
( Min Lee Shin ) , ( Yeng Seop Rhee )  한국EU학회, Asia-Pacific Journal of EU Studies [2012] 제10권 제2호, 61~77페이지(총17페이지)
TAG East Asia, OCA Index, Monetary Integration, Vehicle Currency
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