Lyft SWOT 분석_Columbia Univ_LYFT SWOT Analysis

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Lyft SWOT 분석_Columbia Univ_LYFT SWOT Analysis에 대한 자료입니다.
LYFT Investigation
Well-established brand
Long-term driven / value-driven / full of potentials and profitability in the future
Big market opportunity
Small capitalization: 1/10 the value of Uber
less market share: 35% vs 65%
Still unprofitable
Negligible international market expansion vs Uber’s
SWOT Continued
Uber’s fall due to legal issues re: improperly vetting drivers, Sexual harassment lawsuit against software engineers, lawsuit against CEO and Founder over allegations of fraud
Lyft’s open platform strategy in autonomous cars / partnering with autonomous car companies such as nuTonomy,, Waymo (Self-driving car can be the game changer)
Saved up capital funds: $1 billion
As branding is one of their greatest strengths, even one scandal can damage Lyft’s reputation. Maintaining consistent good impression is both very difficult and costly.
Uber’s recovery
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