원더걸스 성공분석(영문)

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 2  원더걸스 성공분석(영문)-2
 3  원더걸스 성공분석(영문)-3
 4  원더걸스 성공분석(영문)-4
 5  원더걸스 성공분석(영문)-5
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자료 다운로드  네이버 로그인
원더걸스 성공분석(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
1. Popularity
2. Concept
3. Long Absence of a Girl Idol Group and Proper Debut Time
4. The Addictive ‘Tell Me’
5. Star marketing
6. Integrated Marketing
After the competition..
Wonder Girls, a popular and rising girl idol star group in Korea, is currently dramatically leading the Korean music industry with their unstoppable popularity. This group consists of five young teenage girls, ranging from the age 15 to 19. After researching thoroughly about the reasons behind Wonder Girls’ success and actually undergoing the process of learning the dance moves to their extremely popular debut song ‘Tell Me,’ we were able to conclude the following six reasons to be the most significant ones behind the success of the ‘Tell Me’ song by Wonder Girls.

1. Popularity
Wonder Girls’ debut song ‘Tell me’ has a ‘popularity’ element to it that can appeal to a wide range of people, all the way from teenagers to middle-aged people in their 30’s and 40’s. ‘Tell me’ includes elements that arouse sympathy from everyone. Specifically, ‘Tell me’ appeals to teenagers with quick tempo and electronic sounds. Wonder Girls is different from other idol groups who try to be an idol star to teenagers. ‘Tell me’ also appeals to middle-aged people without unwelcome attention. The song ‘Tell me’ is a sampling from ‘Two of Hearts,’ which is a famous disco song by Susie Q in the 80’s. This familiarity makes the song friendlier to listen to as the melody and rhythm is well-acquainted.

2. Concept
Wonder Girls is not simply sexy icon, and also not just a little sister concept which stresses a cute image. The concept of Wonder Girls is combination of ‘sexy’ and ‘cute’. Wonder Girls expresses well these two concepts profoundly. We analyzed this Wonder Girls concept and found it to be a case that has the application of Lolita Syndrome. (Lolita Syndrome refers to the situation that men think of girls as an emotional idol or stick to sexually.) Men have a compound feeling about Wonder Girls as both excitement because of these young sexy girls and affection like a little sister simultaneously. As you can see, JYP applied the Lolita Syndrome well and consequently, Wonder Girls is able to
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