[광고관리론] 청정원의 마케팅 전략(영문)

 1  [광고관리론] 청정원의 마케팅 전략(영문)-1
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[광고관리론] 청정원의 마케팅 전략(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
Brand Selection
Market Analysis
-Customer Analysis
-Competitive Analysis
-Company Analysis

STP Analysis
-Targeting and Positioning

Evaluation of Current communication Strategy

-Marketing and Communication Objective
-Message Strategy
-Media Strategy
-Other Communication Mix

Proposal of Future communication Strategy

-Marketing and Communication Objective
-Message Strategy
-Media Strategy
-Other Communication Mix
2. Competitive Analysis
General market conditions have been unfavorable to the general food industries, issues concerning MSG and ingredients from overseas, especially Chinese ingredients have led the consumers to get suspicious of the general food industries and started raise their own foods for themselves. Though the conditions are unfavorable certain brand and corporation managed to sustain their shares of the market and constantly generate profits. 청정원 has kept general competence in the red pepper paste products, on the other hand, other product-lines have been competing with other major brands, such as CJ제일제당(Hereafter CJ), 오뚜기, 샘표, and 풀무원.

CJ being the biggest competitor of 청정원, shares common competing products lines including paste assorts, soy sauce, vinegars, frozen foods and processed foods. CJ has been successful in grabbing attention of the customers in frozen foods taking up to 80% of the market shares. In addition, even though 청정원 is the leading market in red-pepper pastes, CJ also came out with 해찬들 red-pepper pastes to compete with 순창 re-pepper pastes. CJ 산들애 also comes as the direct competing products of 맛선생 the chemical sweetener products. Recent expansion of product line to instant curry led to direct competition to CJ.

오뚜기 shows strong competitive advantages in Ketchups and Mayonnaise, taking up 81.5% of the market share in the mayonnaise industry. 청정원 also expanded their general food products to ketchups and mayonnaises by launching their organic food brand ‘O’food’ in year 2003. However those products from O’food weren’t able to compete with 오뚜기 in grabbing the viewers attention. The recent advertisement features 김희애 to deliver that cooking is easy to do by introducing 3분 요리 products.

In the soy sauce market, 샘표 stands as a representative company of soy sauce manufacturer. Making 60% of their revenues from soy sauce, 샘표 focused on aggressively increasing their market share up to 50%. 샘표 launched a soy sauce advertisement featuring 이선균 couple. This advertisement stresses the importance of fragrance when selecting the soy sauce.

풀무원 on the other hand shows strong competitiveness in Tofu industry, gaining popular support from most of the housewives. We found no direct competing product line between 풀무원 and 청정원. However it should be noted that 풀무원’s clean and healthy brand image matches that of 청정원. Thus, in the customers’ point of view it could be recognized as competing brand.
All the competing brands mentioned above focus on each product-line advertising, whereas 청정원 focuses on delivering its brand messages to its customers. Launched in 2007, “Healthy proposal(건강한 프로포즈) campaign was quite different from the existing advertisements focused on promoting each product. This campaign suggested the overall brand image to the customers.

3. Company Analysis
- Market analysis
1. Book
• 『IMC 광고론』- 한은경 (커뮤니케이션북스)
• 『촉진관리/통합적마케팅 커뮤니케이션 접근』- 김동훈/안광호/유창조 (학현사)
• 『마케팅원론 (제 4판)』- 안광호 외 (학현사)
• 『한국형 포지셔닝』- 구자룡 (원앤원북스/2003)
• 『현대 마케팅론 (제 6판)』- 유필화/김용준/한상만 (박영사/2007)

2. Internet
• 청정원 Homepage - http://www.chungjungwon.co.kr
• 청정원 Weblog - http://blog.naver.com/jungwondiary
• 대상 기업 Homepage - http://www.daesang.co.kr/
• Internet News
- http://www.hankyung.com/news/app/newsview.php?aid=2009092850021
- http://biz.heraldm.com/common/Detail.jsp?newsMLId=20100407000459
- http://www.mdtoday.co.kr/mdtoday/index.html?no=103499
- http://www.daesang.co.kr/pr/dsnews_read.asp?code=817
- http://www.hankyung.com/news/app/newsview.php?aid=2007102286761
- http://www.consumernews.co.kr/news/view.html?gid=main&bid=news&pid=192413
- http://www.cbs.co.kr/nocut/Show.asp?IDX=1455973
- http://biz.heraldm.com/common/Detail.jsp?newsMLId=20100520000005
- http://www.asiae.co.kr/news/view.htm?idxno=2010021108542100741
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