[국제문화] 인도의 종교문화와 힌두교(영문)

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 8  [국제문화] 인도의 종교문화와 힌두교(영문)-8
 9  [국제문화] 인도의 종교문화와 힌두교(영문)-9
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[국제문화] 인도의 종교문화와 힌두교(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
2.Caste system and cultural groups
3.Current Politics in India
4.Values and beliefs from Hinduism perspective
Values and beliefs from Hinduism perspective
For understanding Indian’s values and beliefs, it is necessary to know some basic concepts of Hinduism. However, Hinduism is hard to define what it is exactly, since it does not have any founder of it or certain or clear systematic dogma. It is all about Indians’ lives. Still, Hinduism has its main frame such as Samsara (rebirth like rotation of life and dead), Atman (ego), Karma (right action), Dharma, (ethnics and duties), and Brahman (universe, the truth in universe). Hinduism puts importance on good actions and sacred faith. Hindus believe thousands of gods, but there are three highest gods named Shiva, Brahma, and Vishnu. They are called as Trimurti (means ‘trinity’). Brahma is the creator of the universe, Vishnu is the one who maintains the universe and Shiva functions as destruction. Now we are looking more detail values and beliefs Indians have towards spirituality, money, environment, and foreigners. For this part, we read books and journals and than discuss. Therefore this is outcome of what we discussed and shared our knowledge.
Spirituality and Religion. Hinduism for Indians it is more likely to be lifestyle and spirituality of Indians rather than a religion. The most forms of Indians’ lives depend on Hinduism. This is inevitable for Indians to have Hinduism lifestyle since their culture is strongly inspired by caste system which is based on Hinduism. The caste system is still existing and ruling the whole Indians. Their social positions are already determined before they are born. Indians do not complain because they believe ‘karma’ in Hinduism, which means that the sum of their good and bad actions in their lives will decide what will happen to them in the next life. Hindus believe the hundreds of god. It would means that they have options for themselves to believe what they want. There are some famous gods as mentioned above Shiva, Brahma, and Vishnu. And Indians are able to create another god to believe when they want and need to, and they practice asceticism to make their life more be sacred. Since then, we assume that Hinduism has governed all Indians’ lifestyle.
Money and Wealth. We assume that Indians think money and wealth is important thing for their life, and it is natural and good to try hard to earn the money. There are three reasons for that assumption. One reason is that based on readings, there are four contents that Indians pursue in their lives; Dharma which means virtue and ethics, Artha for wealth and fame, Kama for sexual pleasure, Moksha for deliverance of one’s soul. We could often find sentences which tell us that Indians pursue wealth. Another reason for our assumption is that ‘Lakshmi’ which represent for wealth and fame and ‘Ganesh’ which looks like a human with an elephant’s nose and represents for money are one of the most beloved gods among Indians. Those two statues or pictures can be founded in many stores in India. The third reason is that there is the data which shows us the distribution of merchants or traders. Jewish in Israel takes the most and a big part of the distribution, Chinese is the second, and Muslim and Indians takes third and have power in commercial business. For those evidences, we could guess that Indians consider money and wealth as the important matters during life. On the other hands, we accessed the concept of wealth in a different way. According to Hinduism culture, Indians have accommodated their social statues, and they spend their lives as they are determined to be as they are born. They live as where they are in a certain level of the caste system. Then, we wonder that they really need a lot of money. Still they have limited power that they can use with money.
Environment and Nature. Indians well adapt to the environment and nature as it is, since they have Karma idea in Hinduism. Indians believe Karma that if the one was born as a Sudra, he would say that he did something bad or did not do any good thing during the previous life and accept his position. We think that Indians may have strong sense of fatalism. As it is mentioned that Indians have many gods, they have gods which are related to animals. It may mean that Indians get along well with and familiar to nature. While we were discussing this issue, we came up with the idea that the reason why they tend to follow the caste system without any significant residence may be that they think accepting and practicing asceticism as much as possible rather than spending their lifetime on complaining. Indians may firmly believe that they can be born as a higher level in the future life if they do good thing and practice hard. Indians rather think the caste system is fair system since their fatal depend on what they have done. One may be Brahman in the next life while the other is Bisha. Or their position can be exchangeable or reversed in the future life.
Foreigners and Non-native. We inferred three possible perspectives or beliefs that

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Web site
The National Portal of India, http://www.india.gov.in/
주 인도 대사관, http://www.india.gov.in/

Web page (Electronic Sources)
India. (n.d.) In Encyclopædia Britannica online. Retrieved from

CIA. (2010). CIA World Factbook. Retrieved from

No Author mentioned. (2010). Tourist & Hostpitality, Retrieved from

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