캐나다의 고용보험 정책(영문)

 1  캐나다의 고용보험 정책(영문)-1
 2  캐나다의 고용보험 정책(영문)-2
 3  캐나다의 고용보험 정책(영문)-3
 4  캐나다의 고용보험 정책(영문)-4
 5  캐나다의 고용보험 정책(영문)-5
 6  캐나다의 고용보험 정책(영문)-6
 7  캐나다의 고용보험 정책(영문)-7
 8  캐나다의 고용보험 정책(영문)-8
 9  캐나다의 고용보험 정책(영문)-9
 10  캐나다의 고용보험 정책(영문)-10
 11  캐나다의 고용보험 정책(영문)-11
 12  캐나다의 고용보험 정책(영문)-12
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자료 다운로드  네이버 로그인
캐나다의 고용보험 정책(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
What is EI (Employment Insurance)?
Who can get the benefits?
Types of EI
EI regular benefits
EI maternity or parental benefits and El sickness benefits
El compassionate care benefits
EI fishing benefits
Solutions (by Canada government)
A federal program that provides workers who are involuntarily unemployed with financial compensation and some means of subsistence until other employment is found.

Canadian who is sick pregnant and caring for a newborn or adopted child.

A person who have to care for a family member who is ill with a significant risk of death.

Policy holders may be entitled to receive EI regular benefits if policy holders:

•have paid premiums into the EI Account.
•lost your employment through no fault of your own.
•have been without work and without pay for at least seven consecutive days in the last 52 weeks.
•have worked for the required number of insurable hours in the last 52 weeks or since the start of last EI claim.
•are ready, willing, and capable of working each day, and
•are actively looking for work.

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