[마케팅] 박카스D 마케팅전략(영문)

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[마케팅] 박카스D 마케팅전략(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
Purpose Industrial Background
Defining the Market
Role of Bacchus in RED Market
Product Information History of Bacchus
Product Description
Present Marketing Strategy
Marketing Mix before and after Vita500
SWOT Analysis
Market-Product Analysis
Marketing Program
Developing Marketing Mix
To analyze the current market of Bacchus D
To understand how a new competitor, Vita500, affected Bacchus D
To suggest new and more effective marketing strategy for Bacchus D

Defining the Market

Market : Refreshing Energy Drink (RED)

Market Definition : Beverage consumed to enhance physical status

Consumer Needs : Health-conscious Koreans purchase the product concerning their health

History of the Industry : Bacchus’s role in the industry is so huge that RED industry history itself is similar to the history of the product.

Monopoly of Bacchus
Ever since 1963, Bacchus kept its top market share in the RED by introducing new promotion strategy, particularly advertisement.
박카스 40년 그 신화와 광고 이야기 신인섭 나남출판사 2003

“박카스 수퍼마켓용 변신 시도” 중앙일보 11/27/04 신성식

“박카스 VS 비타500 전쟁”매경이코노미 05/24/04

“비타500, 박카스 40년 아성 무너뜨리나” 조선일보 07/24/04 이석우

동아제약 박상훈 광고·홍보 이사

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