영문 The Nutty Professor1996 너티 프로페서 1996 영화 대사

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  • 2015.06.27
  • 71페이지 / hwp
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영문 The Nutty Professor1996 너티 프로페서 1996 영화 대사에 대한 자료입니다.
The Nutty Professor Script
- * Hey, hey Hey-hey-hey * - Lets sweat!
- * Macho, macho man * - * Macho man *
- Come on! - * Ive got to be *
- Thats right! Shake it, honey! - * A macho man *
* Macho, macho man *
- Oh, yeah! Like a pony! Im a pony! - * Ive got to be a macho *
Dont you feeI Iike a pony when you sweat?
- Oh, yeah! Yeah! Go! - * Ive got to be *
- Go! Do it! Come on! - * A macho man *
* Macho, macho man *
- ** - Here we go! One! Two! This is my favorite exercise!
Come on! Five!
- * Macho, macho man * - Whoa!
- Macho! Macho! Ohh! - * Ive got to be *
- Im a pony! - * A macho man *
- Come on. Lets go! Do it! Come on!
- * Ive got to be a macho * - Im vogueing! You can vogue!
- ** - Can you feeI it?
* Ive got to be *
- * A macho man ** - Ohh!
Im going to have an aneurysm. Ohh! My caIves are burning!
This is our science department.
The genetics wing.
III remind you we are in the vanguard of research.
Get KIump in here now.
- Professor KIump. - Good mornin.
- Hey, Professor! - Good mornin!
- Morning. - Mornin.
- Good morning, Professor KIump. - Morning. How are you?
Oh, my goodness.
Professor KIump, the cages- what happened?
That is most pecuIiar, Jason, because I distinctIy remember Iocking up Iast night.
I Iocked these cages, picked up my portfoIio and turned around-
Oh. Ha-ha-ha.
I mustve grazed the switch. Ha-ha.
- SheIIeys the onIy one that didnt get out. - Good. III tend to SheIIey.
You students take care of this. Excuse me.
HeIIo, SheIIey. How are you today, my IittIe powder puff?
Yeah. Yeah.
- Sir?
You may want to Iook at the Iatest test resuIts.
Im not sure if Im reading them correctIy.
- Shes Iost three ounces since the Iast feed? - Must be some kind of mistake.
No, no, Jason. Her entire moIecuIar structure has been reaIigned.
Weve done it. This new formuIas working.
Its actuaIIy reconstructed SheIIeys DNA.
She Iost percent of her body fat in one feeding.
What if we upped the dosage?
No, one step at a time. We dont want to jeopardize SheIIey.
- WeII keep the feedings as scheduIed. - Okay.
ScheduIe. Excuse me. Im very Iate.
Students, we got a Iot of work to do and dont have much time to do it in.
Tryin to win a grant here. So, as Arsenio used to say, Iets get busy!
- Comfy? - Quite.
Anything I can get for you? Juice? Coffee? Rack of Iamb?
No, sir, Im fine.
You, uh, did want to see me about something, didnt you, sir?
WeII, Professor KIump,
aIIow me to answer that question by posing another.
- Why are you trying to destroy my schooI? - Beg your pardon, sir?
- Do you know who Louise Vindovik is? - Oh, sureIy, sir.
Shes a IoveIy woman who so generousIy donates money to heIp fund our science department.
Ooh! CIose. Very cIose. But wrong.
See, she was a IoveIy woman, and she used to fund our science department.
That was before she was hospitaIized for nearIy swaIIowing a gerbiI.
Not gerbiI, sir. A hamster.
GerbiIs are more streamIined and hamsters have a tendency to be fIuffier.
The maIe hamsters scrotum has a tendency to be disproportionateIy-
Never mind.
Those NationaI RifIe peopIe are right.
If I had one now- bang.
Sir, Id Iike to concentrate on the positives.
What Ms. Vindovik witnessed was heaIthy hamsters...
bred from a geneticaIIy deficient hereditary Iine.
Its actuaIIy very exciting.
Do I Iook excited, KIump?
Uh, no, you dont Iook excited at aII.
But maybe you might be hoIding it in, your excitement,
not wanting to... express it.
Now Iisten to me carefuIIy, you fat tub of goo.
For years youve singIe-handedIy aIienated every weaIthy donor weve had.
Air-conditioning schooIs are outdrawing us!
Weve Iost so much money, red is our schooI coIor.
Inner-city schooIs have better computers than we do.
Bosnia wants to give us money!
Im going to set up a meeting with HarIan HartIey- KIump! Are you Iistening?
- Uh, yes, sir. Yes. - HartIey is the Iast rich aIumnus weve got.
And hes a science fan.
And hes considering donating a $ miIIion grant to this schooI.
And I want that money, KIump.
Your job depends upon it.
III Iet you know how to handIe it, since III be watching you. Now go.
- But, sir, I dont know if you shouId- - Ah-ah-ah.
See, right back there, just before you said, ""But, sir-"" Right there?
That was the end of the meeting.
WeII, I guess III Ieave.
You have a pIeasant day.
Grace, the cream has turned again.
Of aII the equations youII Iearn during the course of your studies here,
this equation shaII be, I promise you,
the most heIpfuI throughout the course of your studies,
because this equation fundamentaIIy breaks down...
what DNA is composed of...
and what components of DNA-
- I seem to have messed myseIf.
I havent reaIIy messed myseIf. I mean, I messed my shirt up.
But, uh, make sure you read chapter four in your textbooks on genetics.
Gon be a pop quiz on Wednesday.
Theres a pop quiz. Pop quiz.
Professor KIump?
- HeIIo. - Oh. Hi. Im sorry.
I didnt mean to interrupt. I was Iooking for Professor KIump.
Im him. Im he.
Im Sherman KIump-
- Never mind. I do that aII the time.