발행기관 : 복식문화학회 AND 간행물명 : Fashion, Industry and Education32 개 논문이 검색 되었습니다.
Product Analysis and Development of Amblyopia Eye Patch for Children
( Hosun Lim ) , ( Juyoung Sung )  복식문화학회, Fashion, Industry and Education [2016] 제14권 제2호, 1~10페이지(총10페이지)
TAG children, amblyopia, eyepatch, product development, product size
Matching Sourcing Destination with Fashion Brands` Business Model: Comparative Advantages of Bangladesh and Vietnam Apparel Industries
( Bertha Jacobs ) , ( Leslie Simpson ) , ( Sara Nelson ) , ( Elena Karpova )  복식문화학회, Fashion, Industry and Education [2016] 제14권 제2호, 11~23페이지(총13페이지)
TAG sourcing, Bangladesh, global value chain, Vietnam
Examination of Two Decades in Used Clothing Trade: The Case of the United States and Selected Developed Economies
( Youngji Lee ) , ( Ling Zhang ) , ( Elena Karpova )  복식문화학회, Fashion, Industry and Education [2016] 제14권 제2호, 24~34페이지(총11페이지)
TAG second-hand clothing, used clothing trade, worn apparel
Consumer Income and Expenditure Influenced by Business Cycles: A Comparison of Korea and the US
( Seo Jeong Kim ) , ( Michael Hann ) , ( Chorong Youn ) , ( Kyu Hye Lee )  복식문화학회, Fashion, Industry and Education [2016] 제14권 제2호, 47~59페이지(총13페이지)
TAG business cycle, business fluctuation index, consumer expenditure, household income
Identity Formation and Self-Reflection Strategies in the Development of Apparel Design ePortfolios
( Christin Seifert ) , ( Veena Chattaraman )  복식문화학회, Fashion, Industry and Education [2016] 제14권 제2호, 60~69페이지(총10페이지)
TAG apparel design, identity, portfolio, self-reflection
Online Flow: Effects of Perceived Challenges Measured Before and After a Shopping Task
( Soo In Shim ) , ( Wi Suk Kwon )  복식문화학회, Fashion, Industry and Education [2016] 제14권 제1호, 10~17페이지(총8페이지)
TAG Challenge, Flow, Measurement, Online, Shopping
Impacts of Community Commitment on Brand Equity Creation in Company-Initiated Online Brand Communities
( So Won Jeong ) , ( Sejin Ha ) , ( Kyu Hye Lee )  복식문화학회, Fashion, Industry and Education [2016] 제14권 제1호, 31~39페이지(총9페이지)
TAG Online brand community, Continuance commitment, Affective commitment, Normative commitment Brand equity
Comparative Advantage of the United States and South Korean Manmade Textile Industries
( Eonyou Shin ) , ( Caitlyn Keenan ) , ( Elena Karpova )  복식문화학회, Fashion, Industry and Education [2016] 제14권 제1호, 1~9페이지(총9페이지)
TAG KORUS FTA, Manmade textiles, Revealed comparative advantage, South Korea, United States
Sustainable Luxury Fashion Consumption and the Moderating Role of Guilt
( Chungwha Ki ) , ( Youn Kyung Kim )  복식문화학회, Fashion, Industry and Education [2016] 제14권 제1호, 18~30페이지(총13페이지)
TAG Sustainable luxury purchase, luxury consumer pleasure, luxury consumer guilt, sustainable divestment intention, and repurchase intention
Improving Student Learning through a Team-Based Learning Approach in a Retailing Math Course
( Keunyoung Oh )  복식문화학회, Fashion, Industry and Education [2016] 제14권 제1호, 50~58페이지(총9페이지)
TAG Team-based learning, retailing math pedagogy, flipped-classroom
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