[북한경제의 이해] 북한경제의 이해 원문 번역

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 20  [북한경제의 이해] 북한경제의 이해 원문 번역-20
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[북한경제의 이해] 북한경제의 이해 원문 번역에 대한 자료입니다.


-Pre-Gorbachev Soviet-Vietnamese Discord

-Soviet-Vietnamese Trade and the Debate over Industrialization

-The Vietnamese Leadership's Dilemmas in 1986

-The 6th VCP Congress: Long Procrastination after a Good Start

-Unresolved Diplomatic Problems:
An Obstacle to Economic Reform?

-Towards a Breakthrough: Hanoi Finds New Partners

-"The Light at the End of the Tunnel" :
A Turning Point in Foreign Policy and Economic Reform

-“한줄기의 희망” : 외교정책의 전환점 그리고 경제개혁

-Why Did Vietnam's Early Reform Measures Fail?

- 왜 베트남의 초기 개혁 조치는 실패로 돌아갔는가?

-"Muddling Through" in North Korea, 1951-1990

-“얼렁뚱땅 넘어가기” 북한의 1951-1990

-From the Famine of the Reforms of July 2002
기근으로 인한 2002년 7월의 개혁

-Conclusions: Differences between Vietnam and North Korea

-결론: 북한과 베트남의 차이

Of the factors which enabled Hanoi to enter the phase of comprehensive reforms, some have received much less coverage than others. Despite the wide array of publications about doi moi, relatively few scholars inquired into the possible influence of external factors - diplomacy, military policies, and foreign trade - on the economic decisions made by Vietnam's reform-oriented leaders. Vietnam's post-1986 foreign relations did generate great interest, but primarily among specialists of international relations and national security studies.
하노이가 넓은 범위의 개혁의 단계에 들어서기 위한 요소들 중, 몇몇은 다름 사람들 보다 더 적은 적용을 받았다. 도이모이에 대한 다양한 발표에도 불구하고, 비교적 적은 학자들이 베트남의 기존 개혁 지도자들이 만든 경제적인 결정에 있는 외부 요인 (외교, 국방 정책, 외교거래) 들의 확산 가능성에 대해 질문했다.

It appears worth paying more attention to this topic, however, because many of the problems which the Vietnamese reformers had to solve in late 1980s - a high inflation rate, a persistent budget imbalance, a heavy dependence on imports and foreign assistance, and an economic embargo - were closely interlocked with Hanoi's foreign relations. Vietnam's military conflicts with Kampuchea and China(1978-1979) led to massive defense spending, which in turn deepened the country's fiscal deficit and thus contributed to the inflationary spiral.
이것은 그 화제에 주목하는 것보다 더 가치 있게 나타난다. 하지만 1980년대 후반 베트남의 개혁자들이 풀어왔던 많은 문제( 높은 인플레이션, 높은 외국에 대한 의지와 수입품, 경제 통상금지) 들 때문에, 하노이의 외국 관계와 근접하게 맞물리게 되었다. 캄보디아와 중국에 대한 베트남의 군사적 대립은 국고의 부족과 인플레이션을 더 심화시킨 엄청난 국방비를 소모하게 했다.

Under such circumstances, Hanoi had a great need for foreign aid, yet due to the international embargo resulting from the Vietnamese occupation of Kampuchea, only one source of economic assistance remained available for it: the Soviet Union and its East European satellites. The absence of alternative donors and allies gave Moscow substantial leverage over Hanoi as long as Sino-Vietnamese and Vietnamese-American relations remained tense.
이러한 환경아래에서, 하노이는 외국에 대한 중요한 조치를 내리게 된다. 그러나 베트남에 대한 캄보디아의 점유를 통해 나온 결과로 국제적인 통상 금지를 위해, 오직 하나의 지지만이 이것을 위해 남아있다: 소련 연합과 동유럽의 국가들이다. 대안의 기증자와 동맹의 부재는 중국-베트남과 베트남-미국과의 긴장이 남아있는 한 하노이에 대한 모스크바의 실질적인 세력을 주었다.

But if diplomatic and military factors produced such a strong effect on the pre-reform Vietnamese economy, could they have influenced the genesis of doi moi, too? This question is of great practical importance, since if the Vietnamese reform program was at least partly sharped by external circumstances, it might be difficult to adopt the methods of doi moi in a country whose foreign relations awe too dissimilar from that of post-1986 Vietnam. For example, Vietnamese and North Korean foreign policies have had little in common in the last two decades, and this difference may have been interrelated with the dramatic contrast between Vietnam's economic boom and North Korea's recurrent setbacks. This subject is certainly worth investigating, since many of North Korea's current problems - inflation, high mi
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