[국제인권] International Criminal Court(국제형사재판소)(영문)

 1  [국제인권] International Criminal Court(국제형사재판소)(영문)-1
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[국제인권] International Criminal Court(국제형사재판소)(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
How is the ICC different from the International Court of Justice?
- The International Court of Justice (ICJ) does not have criminal jurisdiction to prosecute individuals. It is a civil tribunal that deals primarily with disputes between States. The ICJ is the principle judicial organ of the United Nations, whereas the ICC is independent of the UN.

Responding to Past HR Violations:
Q: What is the Christian response to HR violations?
- Turn the other cheek?
- Love your enemy?
- Eye for eye and tooth for tooth

Retributive justice – is it Christian?
Eye for eye – must be within the judiciary (court)
Love your enemy – the relationship between one another personally

“[Penal sanction] is undoubtedly wrong unless one accords to the state a scope of moral action that goes beyond what is permitted to the individual. In my view, the major impetus behind modern aversion to [such penal sanction as] the death penalty is the equation of private morality with governmental authority” – Justice Scalia

IMT (International Military Tribunal) – Nuremberg

“There can be no peace without justice, no justice without law, and no meaningful law without a court to decide what is just & lawful under any given circumstance”
Former Nuremburg Prosecutor B.B. Ferencz

- The application of IL concepts by a multilateral tribunal against individuals who did not violate a laws of their state and obeyed superior orders (violations of higher law)

“London Agreement” SMJ (Subject Matter Jurisdiction) Art 6:
- Crimes against Peace
 War of aggression
- War Crimes
 Plunder, destruction of cities, deportation/slave labor
- Crimes against Humanity
 Extermination

ICTY (International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia)
- 1992 – Special Rapporteur: CHR
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