  • [정보처리론] 프로젝트 파이낸싱 비교 분석(영문)
    Reaserch Question Business suspension of savings bank In February, 2011, several savings banks were ordered to suspend business in Korea. The reason is that the bank was weakened by overusing project financing technique which resulted in high default rate and delay of cash flow. Suspension of business of savings bank cause the innocent depositor to cry in front of the closed bank. That was
    2012-08-24 | 1,500원 | 14p | 정보처리론 파이낸싱 비교 낸싱 파이   [정보처리론] 프로젝트 파이낸싱 비교 분석(영문)
  • [경영학] 금호아시아나 M&A 사례 연구(영문)
    Main Tower in Sinmunno 1-ga, Jongno-gu, Seoul, South Korea. The group was established in 1946.[citation needed] As of 2008 the "Kumho Asiana Group" CEO is Bak Sam Koo. ② Kumho Asiana Group’s current condition. Kumho Asiana Group has three departments. Which is divided three parts. First is chemical and tire part. Second part is Construction. Third part is transportation/distribution/ser
    2012-08-16 | 1,700원 | 13p | 금호아시아 아시아 금호아시아나 금호 MA   [경영학] 금호아시아나 M&A 사례 연구(영문)
  • 의료비저축통장제도를 통한 근로소득 특별공제축소
    1. Introduction 1) reason of choice MSA Health insurance is an insurance that pay medical cost. We don't know when we sick, what we catch disease or how we sick. And when medical cost is big, it is a burden on people. So insurance exist as way to guarantee living healthy. However, now Korean health insurance face with a crisis. Our health insurance premium is low, so expenditure of medical
    2012-07-02 | 1,500원 | 18p | 의료비저축통장 의약 제약   의료비저축통장제도를 통한 근로소득 특별공제축소
  • [국제경영] BAT(British American Tobacco)사의 한국 담배시장 진출 사례(영문)
    Tobacco industry Tobacco industry plays as a pioneer in the modern marketing. Tara Parker-Pope’s ‘Cigarettes: anatomy of an industry from seed to smoke’ acknowledge that the tobacco industry represents promotion and marketing itself. It is the industry’s marketing ability which made tobacco a high necessity good for billions of people around the world, despite the product’s nature of h
    2012-06-26 | 1,900원 | 21p | industry   [국제경영] BAT(British American Tobacco)사의 한국 담배시장 진출 사례(영문)
  • KT&G 마케팅 전략
    Issues & Problems Issues Increased Competition Government Regulations Anti-smoking Movement Problems Failure in Targeting Youth Loss of Brand Image Org. & Governance Problem Government Regulations Marketing restrictions Increasing non smoking zones High taxation Org. & Governance Problem Internal corruption due to high pressure in sales figures Ownership conflicts raised b
    2012-06-16 | 1,500원 | 23p | 마케팅 KTG 전략 KT   KT&G 마케팅 전략
  • [생산관리] 도요타 분석(영문)
    main motive is producing the best cars, attracting a variety of customers with no flaw, giving the best quality to its customers with the least cost for production. Toyota production system was employed to eliminate waste of overproduction. Toyota implemented JIT: produce only what was needed, only how much was needed, and only when it was needed. Jidoka: make any production problems instantly se
    2012-03-08 | 800원 | 6p | 생산관리 도요타 분석 생산 관리   [생산관리] 도요타 분석(영문)
  • [정치학] 지역주의 쇠퇴와 사회균열-대통령 선거와 정당 정치 사례를 중심으로(영문)
    of president Kim Young Sam had failed miserably. Some scholars claim that the reform had failed due to the absence of the state intervention and supervision. Regardless of the cause, the reform had failed and the Korean economy collapsed. Foreign capital outflow was rapid and short term loans couldn’t be solved. The government announced its economic failure and the IMF came in to restructure th
    2011-12-05 | 1,700원 | 17p | 사회균열 지역주의 대통령 주의 지역   [정치학] 지역주의 쇠퇴와 사회균열-대통령 선거와 정당 정치 사례를 중심으로(영문)
  • [행정학] 장애인 고용정책 평가(영문)
    1) The actual condition of prior entry discrimination in labor market With the prior entry discrimination in labor market, there are trends that disabled people are recognized as the different people by social structural problem. That's why disabled people are distinguished from the main stream and they are likely to be seen inferior than common people. According to , the attitud
    2011-11-21 | 1,400원 | 14p | 고용정책 장애인 장애 고용 정책   [행정학] 장애인 고용정책 평가(영문)
  • [의료사회학] 경희대 학생들의 생활속 다양한 스트레스 요소 분석(영문)
    of college grade include a lot of meaning. A lot of stress may be due to grade management and grade through various situations because the high and low stress and more stress than others will be able to. As a result of subsequent studies from the University of previous studies of various institutions to prepare students to actively cope with the difficulties of the experience despite the failure
    2011-11-02 | 1,100원 | 11p | 의료사회학 경희대 생활속 요소 스트레스   [의료사회학] 경희대 학생들의 생활속 다양한 스트레스 요소 분석(영문)
  • [국제경영](주)캐프의 네덜란드 진출 성공요인 분석(영문)
    of CAP, also, makes the price of its products reasonable while the quality of products is good. CAP also regards PEOPLE. The company thinks highly of its employees and citizens, no need to mention costomers. So CAP has done the sustainability management. CAP has done many voluntary to the society, returning its profit to the society. 2. Vision and Mission 1) Vision of the Company: Making worl
    2011-10-24 | 2,800원 | 36p | 국제경영 성공요인 성공 요인 진출   [국제경영](주)캐프의 네덜란드 진출 성공요인 분석(영문)
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