학술논문 > 어문학 > 언어학
Internally Headed Relative Clause in Korean: Structure and Interpretation
( Young Sik Choi )  대한언어학회, 언어학 [2014] 제22권 제3호, 133~154페이지(총22페이지)
I suggest that the internally headed relative clause in Korean is an adjunct serving as the topic for the main clause, with pro projecting a separate projection in the argument position of the main clause. I suggest that Korean utilizes two ways of construal for the covert pronoun in the main clause...
TAG coreference, e-type, anaphora, head, internal, relative
Against Ambiguity Hypothesis on Number: Evidence from Reflexives
( Chong Hyuck Kim )  대한언어학회, 언어학 [2014] 제22권 제3호, 155~175페이지(총21페이지)
I suggest that the internally headed relative clause in Korean is an adjunct serving as the topic for the main clause, with pro projecting a separate projection in the argument position of the main clause. I suggest that Korean utilizes two ways of construal for the covert pronoun in the main clause...
TAG reflexives, Korean, number, ambiguity, optionality
A Study on /h/-deletion in Korean
( Hong Won Seo )  대한언어학회, 언어학 [2014] 제22권 제3호, 176~193페이지(총18페이지)
I suggest that the internally headed relative clause in Korean is an adjunct serving as the topic for the main clause, with pro projecting a separate projection in the argument position of the main clause. I suggest that Korean utilizes two ways of construal for the covert pronoun in the main clause...
TAG h, -deletion, h-regular stem, h-irregular stem, CV-tier, variations
Arbitrary assimilation of /nl/ in Korean
( Ik Soo Kwon )  한국외국어대학교 언어연구소, 언어와 언어학 [2014] 제64권 1~30페이지(총30페이지)
I suggest that the internally headed relative clause in Korean is an adjunct serving as the topic for the main clause, with pro projecting a separate projection in the argument position of the main clause. I suggest that Korean utilizes two ways of construal for the covert pronoun in the main clause...
TAG Eassimilation, /nl/ in Korean, size effects, morphological structure, hypercorrection, phonology
국어 문어 말뭉치에 나타난 "혀"의 의미와 용법 분석
김해연 ( Hae Yeon Kim )  한국외국어대학교 언어연구소, 언어와 언어학 [2014] 제64권 31~55페이지(총25페이지)
I suggest that the internally headed relative clause in Korean is an adjunct serving as the topic for the main clause, with pro projecting a separate projection in the argument position of the main clause. I suggest that Korean utilizes two ways of construal for the covert pronoun in the main clause...
TAG 코퍼스언어학, 신체부분 명칭, "혀", 공기관계, 연어 유형, 은유이론, 은유적 의 미 확장, Corpus linguistics, body-part terms, hye "tongue", co-occurrence relations, collocation patterns, metaphor theory, metaphorical extension
On a New Dichotomy of Korean and Japanese Negative Forms: Description and Objection
( Eun Ju Noh )  한국외국어대학교 언어연구소, 언어와 언어학 [2014] 제64권 57~82페이지(총26페이지)
I suggest that the internally headed relative clause in Korean is an adjunct serving as the topic for the main clause, with pro projecting a separate projection in the argument position of the main clause. I suggest that Korean utilizes two ways of construal for the covert pronoun in the main clause...
TAG dichotomy of negation, metalinguistic negation, descriptive negation, attributed, description, objection, negative form
현대 한국어 종결어미 -네(요)와 -군(요) -입력정보 처리과정의 관점에서 본 의미기능 비교-
문창학 ( Chang Hak Moon )  한국외국어대학교 언어연구소, 언어와 언어학 [2014] 제64권 83~109페이지(총27페이지)
I suggest that the internally headed relative clause in Korean is an adjunct serving as the topic for the main clause, with pro projecting a separate projection in the argument position of the main clause. I suggest that Korean utilizes two ways of construal for the covert pronoun in the main clause...
TAG 현재지각, 미납득, 납득, 감탄사, 입력정보의 처리과정, present perception, non-understanding, understanding, exclamination, input information processing
러시아어 자음 탈락의 최적성 이론 분석
변군혁 ( Koon Hyuk Byun )  한국외국어대학교 언어연구소, 언어와 언어학 [2014] 제64권 111~130페이지(총20페이지)
I suggest that the internally headed relative clause in Korean is an adjunct serving as the topic for the main clause, with pro projecting a separate projection in the argument position of the main clause. I suggest that Korean utilizes two ways of construal for the covert pronoun in the main clause...
TAG 자음탈락, 러시아어, 최적성이론 제약, 음성적 단서, consonant deletion, Russian, OT constraints, acoustic cues
벵베니스트 다시 읽기 : 언어와 주체성
서종석 ( Jong Seok Soh )  한국외국어대학교 언어연구소, 언어와 언어학 [2014] 제64권 131~148페이지(총18페이지)
I suggest that the internally headed relative clause in Korean is an adjunct serving as the topic for the main clause, with pro projecting a separate projection in the argument position of the main clause. I suggest that Korean utilizes two ways of construal for the covert pronoun in the main clause...
TAG 에밀 벵베니스트, 주체성, 주체, 발화행위, 담화, 인칭, 대화, Emile Benveniste, subjectivity, subject, Enunciation, discourse, person, dialogue
Subject-drop vs. Topic-drop: Evidence from a Multilingual Text
( Sang Houn Song )  한국외국어대학교 언어연구소, 언어와 언어학 [2014] 제64권 149~182페이지(총34페이지)
I suggest that the internally headed relative clause in Korean is an adjunct serving as the topic for the main clause, with pro projecting a separate projection in the argument position of the main clause. I suggest that Korean utilizes two ways of construal for the covert pronoun in the main clause...
TAG multilingual parallel text, pro-drop, subject-drop, topic-drop, The Little Prince
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