[인터넷마케팅] EBAY 이베이 전략 분석(영문)

 1  [인터넷마케팅] EBAY 이베이 전략 분석(영문)-1
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 16  [인터넷마케팅] EBAY 이베이 전략 분석(영문)-16
※ 미리보기 이미지는 최대 20페이지까지만 지원합니다.
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자료 다운로드  네이버 로그인
[인터넷마케팅] EBAY 이베이 전략 분석(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
1. EBAY's growth process

2. EBAY's association strategy

3. EBAY's business extension strategy

4. Suggestion point
1. EBAY's growth process

- development by O-media ,engineer

- according as transaction frequency of auction web rises entirely website development beginning

-From venture capital law money support receiving for on-line auction business in 1997

-In marketing field excellent Mek Hwiteumeon CEO

4 factor of ebay success




market segmentation

EBAY 's expenses structure

-EBAY was known as shared much expense in credit card and electron settlement process to handle perfectly users' on-line settlement.
-Effort for EBAY's cost-cutting is continued, but forward biger growth is like this and it is analysis of industry that will not see cost-cutting effect percentage .

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