[마케팅전략] 현대 제너시스의 마케팅전략(영문)

 1  [마케팅전략] 현대 제너시스의 마케팅전략(영문)-1
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※ 미리보기 이미지는 최대 20페이지까지만 지원합니다.
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  • 적립금
자료 다운로드  네이버 로그인
[마케팅전략] 현대 제너시스의 마케팅전략(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
1. Brand / Company Selection
2. Market Analysis
3. STP Analysis
4. Evaluation of Current Communication Strategy
5. Proposal of Future Communication Strategy
6. Conclusion
-Low purchasing power and high innovativeness of consumer
People who don’t have much purchasing power however, who are innovators. They want an unusual and fresh experimental product. They are people who are not afraid of experimenting new products and are up for a change.

-Mid purchasing power and low innovativeness of consumer
People who have a media level of purchasing power but with low incentive of purchasing a car that is different or contrastive with different cars. They prefer mid budgetary cars that they are familiar with and that they can be satisfied with

-Mid purchasing power and mid innovativeness of consumer
People who have a media level of purchasing power and with a medium level of innovation which they pursue cars that are familiar with others but not commonly purchased as much. They look for a creative car but with a mind set that it is safe and reliable because there are still a fair amount of people that purchase the same type of car.

-Mid purchasing power and high innovativeness of consumer
People who have a media level of purchasing power and with high level of innovation in which assist them to pursue cars that are contrasting and infrequent in the public. They are not afraid of experimenting a non common car and will purchase a car that is fit to their purchasing power.

-High purchasing power and low innovativeness of consumer
People who have the ability to purchase any high class car but are use to the usual of what other buy. They are encouraged to try anything “new” or anything out of their conformity. They usually go for
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