발행기관 : 한국통역번역학회284 개 논문이 검색 되었습니다.
Looking for Lexical Patterns in a Trilingual Corpus of Source and Interpreted Speeches: Extended analysis of EPIC (European Parliament Interpreting Corpus)
( Mariachiara Russo ) , ( Claudio Bendazzoli ) , ( Annalisa Sandrellii )  한국통역번역학회, FORUM [2006] 제4권 제1호, 221~255페이지(총35페이지)
TAG simultaneous interpreting, language direction, information density, lexical density, lexical variety
Le texte de doublage cinematographique: une heterogeneite a interroger
( Charles Soh Tatcha )  한국통역번역학회, FORUM [2006] 제4권 제1호, 255~280페이지(총26페이지)
TAG Dubbing, image, sound, linguistic, paralinguistic
Rozan and Matyssek: Are they really that different? A comparative synopsis of two classic note-taking schools
( Barbara Ahrens )  한국통역번역학회, FORUM [2005] 제3권 제2호, 1~16페이지(총16페이지)
TAG Consecutive interpreting, note-taking, note-taking principles, symbols, teaching note-taking
Correlation Between Translation Unit and Readability as Identified in the Process of Japanese-Korean Translation
( Sang Eun Cho )  한국통역번역학회, FORUM [2005] 제3권 제2호, 17~38페이지(총22페이지)
TAG translation process, TAP, translation unit, readability, statistical analysis
The Role of Translators and Issues of Choice: Faithfulness and readability in literary translations
( Jung Wha Choi )  한국통역번역학회, FORUM [2005] 제3권 제2호, 39~58페이지(총20페이지)
TAG translation, faithfulness, readability, cultural differences, role of translater
Critical Reading: The case of culture in translation studies
( Georgios Floros )  한국통역번역학회, FORUM [2005] 제3권 제2호, 59~85페이지(총27페이지)
TAG Definitions of culture, structure of culture, function of culture, cultural systems, methodological implications
Citation Patterns in the T&I Didactics Literature
( Daniel Gile )  한국통역번역학회, FORUM [2005] 제3권 제2호, 85~104페이지(총20페이지)
TAG Citation analysis, translator, interpreter training, cited works, most-frequently cited authors
Reconsideration of the Lecture Methods of Korean-Japanese Interpretation and Translation -Focusing on field experience-
( Chul Soo Kim )  한국통역번역학회, FORUM [2005] 제3권 제2호, 105~131페이지(총27페이지)
TAG level, experience, sense, effort to understand, teaching of consecutive interpretation
Left Untranslated: On the function of the “untranslatable” in literary texts
( Piotr Kuhiwczak )  한국통역번역학회, FORUM [2005] 제3권 제2호, 131~147페이지(총17페이지)
TAG Untranslatable, cultural and linguistic equivalent, semantics, literary translation, intercultural communication
Translating Interactivity in Tourist Brochures
( Chang Soo Lee )  한국통역번역학회, FORUM [2005] 제3권 제2호, 147~167페이지(총21페이지)
TAG genre analysis, tourist brochures, textlinguistics, text types, functional translation
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