발행기관 : 한국통역번역학회284 개 논문이 검색 되었습니다.
The Competitiveness of ``Into-B`` Simultaneous Interpretation: A Correlation Based on Age
( Jung Wha Choi )  한국통역번역학회, FORUM [2004] 제2권 제2호, 271~293페이지(총23페이지)
TAG “into B” simultaneous interpretation, correlation based on age, Korean conference interpreter, language combination, age of puberty
Analysis of Paired Korean Simultaneous Interpretation for a Speech Given in English
( Tae Hyung Lee )  한국통역번역학회, FORUM [2004] 제2권 제2호, 293~314페이지(총22페이지)
TAG simultaneous interpretation, paired, Korean, information processing, EVS
Translating Address Norms from Arabic into English: Some difficulties and implications
( Mahmoud A Al Khatib )  한국통역번역학회, FORUM [2004] 제2권 제1호, 1~16페이지(총16페이지)
TAG translation, address norms, Arabic-English, interpretation, meaning loss
The Interpreter Adding a Passive Language
( Karla Dejeanle Feal )  한국통역번역학회, FORUM [2004] 제2권 제1호, 17~29페이지(총13페이지)
TAG passive working language, simultaneous interpreting, theory of “sense”, language-specific theory of interpreting, echoic memory
Teaching Translation into the Second Language to Undergraduate Students: Importance of background knowledge and parallel texts
( Hae Young Kim )  한국통역번역학회, FORUM [2004] 제2권 제1호, 29~46페이지(총18페이지)
TAG background knowledge, undergraduate, translation, second language, translation pedagogy
Process-oriented Pedagogical Translation Evaluation
( Ryon Hee Kim )  한국통역번역학회, FORUM [2004] 제2권 제1호, 47~71페이지(총25페이지)
TAG translation education, pedagogy, translation evaluation, assessment, process-oriented, positive approach
Exploration into Perceived Quality of Simultaneous Interpretation
( Shin Jwa Kim )  한국통역번역학회, FORUM [2004] 제2권 제1호, 71~91페이지(총21페이지)
TAG simultaneous interpretation, perceived quality, actual quality, user assessment, damage hypothesis
Le defi de la formation des traducteurs
( Hannelore Lee Jahnke )  한국통역번역학회, FORUM [2004] 제2권 제1호, 91~104페이지(총14페이지)
TAG translation training, quality, evaluation, market requirements, competence of trainers
Applying Second Language Acquisition Theories to Teaching Interpretation to Undergraduate Students
( Hae Kyeong Park )  한국통역번역학회, FORUM [2004] 제2권 제1호, 105~124페이지(총20페이지)
TAG teaching interpretation, undergraduate students, second language acquisition theories, parallel acquisition, curriculum development
Localization and the Training of Linguistic Mediators for the Third Millennium
( Anthony Pym )  한국통역번역학회, FORUM [2004] 제2권 제1호, 125~136페이지(총12페이지)
TAG translation, localization, ethics, cooperation, technology
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