학술논문 > 어문학 > 언어학
영어광고언어와 관련성 이론
양정연 , 이상철  한국현대언어학회, 한국현대언어학회 학술발표논문집 [2019] 제2019권 제2호, 73~80페이지(총8페이지)
의료현장에서의 제주어사용
고영희 , 고용진  한국현대언어학회, 한국현대언어학회 학술발표논문집 [2019] 제2019권 제2호, 95~97페이지(총3페이지)
DDL이 영어 어휘 지식과 읽기 능력에 미치는 효과
이상희 , 정양수  한국현대언어학회, 한국현대언어학회 학술발표논문집 [2019] 제2019권 제2호, 101~107페이지(총7페이지)
Implementing the Lexical Approach in Korean University Conversation Classes
( Kim Nahkbohk ) , ( Aromin Jensah )  한국현대언어학회, 한국현대언어학회 학술발표논문집 [2019] 제2019권 제2호, 108~113페이지(총6페이지)
Innovations in teaching approaches and methods have paved way for more options, ensuring students’ language skills needs are met. One of the most common methods these days is the Lexical Approach (LA). LA encompasses semantics, syntax, pragmatics, as well as vocabulary. Its role in the in the develop...
Public Speaking Strategies in the EFL Setting
김낙복  한국현대언어학회, 한국현대언어학회 학술발표논문집 [2019] 제2019권 제2호, 114(총1페이지)
Innovations in teaching approaches and methods have paved way for more options, ensuring students’ language skills needs are met. One of the most common methods these days is the Lexical Approach (LA). LA encompasses semantics, syntax, pragmatics, as well as vocabulary. Its role in the in the develop...
교양영어 교육의 문제와 표준화 방향
박강희  한국현대언어학회, 한국현대언어학회 학술발표논문집 [2019] 제2019권 제2호, 115~120페이지(총6페이지)
Innovations in teaching approaches and methods have paved way for more options, ensuring students’ language skills needs are met. One of the most common methods these days is the Lexical Approach (LA). LA encompasses semantics, syntax, pragmatics, as well as vocabulary. Its role in the in the develop...
2015 교육과정에 근거한 초등영어 4학년 교과서 분석 -인종, 성, 다문화요소를 중심으로-
이혜경  한국현대언어학회, 한국현대언어학회 학술발표논문집 [2019] 제2019권 제2호, 121~127페이지(총7페이지)
Innovations in teaching approaches and methods have paved way for more options, ensuring students’ language skills needs are met. One of the most common methods these days is the Lexical Approach (LA). LA encompasses semantics, syntax, pragmatics, as well as vocabulary. Its role in the in the develop...
Reading methods and referential context effects in L2 ambiguity resolution
( Yoolae Kim ) , ( Jeong-ah Shin )  경희대학교 언어정보연구소, 언어연구 [2019] 제36권 1~23페이지(총23페이지)
Innovations in teaching approaches and methods have paved way for more options, ensuring students’ language skills needs are met. One of the most common methods these days is the Lexical Approach (LA). LA encompasses semantics, syntax, pragmatics, as well as vocabulary. Its role in the in the develop...
TAG Syntactic ambiguity, L2 sentence processing, auditory perceptual simulation, prosodic information, referential information
Analysis of rater effect in the evaluation of second language grammatical knowledge in the context of writing: Application of a generalized linear model
( Hyun Jung Kim ) , ( Junkyu Lee ) , ( Hyun-jo You )  경희대학교 언어정보연구소, 언어연구 [2019] 제36권 25~57페이지(총33페이지)
Innovations in teaching approaches and methods have paved way for more options, ensuring students’ language skills needs are met. One of the most common methods these days is the Lexical Approach (LA). LA encompasses semantics, syntax, pragmatics, as well as vocabulary. Its role in the in the develop...
TAG rater effects, writing test, grammatical knowledge, teaching experience, cumulative link mixed model
A study on evaluating English speech rate: Focusing on professional vs. non-professional raters
( Mi-sun Kim )  경희대학교 언어정보연구소, 언어연구 [2019] 제36권 3~24페이지(총22페이지)
Innovations in teaching approaches and methods have paved way for more options, ensuring students’ language skills needs are met. One of the most common methods these days is the Lexical Approach (LA). LA encompasses semantics, syntax, pragmatics, as well as vocabulary. Its role in the in the develop...
TAG speech rate, speech rate preference, optimal speaking rate, speaking rate assessment
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