학술논문 > 어문학 > 언어학
미얀마인 한국어 학습자의 학습 동기 분석 -한국어 비학위 과정 학습자를 대상으로-
서신웨 ( Saw Shin Ngwe )  한국언어문화교육학회, 언어와 문화 [2019] 제15권 제4호, 235~262페이지(총28페이지)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the learning motivation of Korean learners who are studying in Korean Certificate Course at Yangon University of Foreign Languages. In this study, motivational questionnaire was developed and data were collected through questionnaire survey method. As a re...
TAG Korean Learners in Myanmar, 미얀마인 한국어 학습자, Certificate Course, 한국어 비학위 과정, Yangon University of Foreign Languages, 양곤외국어대학교, Learning Motivation, 학습 동기, Factor Analysis, 요인 분석
베트남인 한국어 학습자의 발음 연구 -숙달도별 음운 규칙 적용도를 중심으로-
최정선 ( Choi Jungsun )  한국언어문화교육학회, 언어와 문화 [2019] 제15권 제4호, 263~285페이지(총23페이지)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the learning motivation of Korean learners who are studying in Korean Certificate Course at Yangon University of Foreign Languages. In this study, motivational questionnaire was developed and data were collected through questionnaire survey method. As a re...
TAG phonological rules, 음운 규칙, consonant, 자음, Vietnamese Korean Language learner, 베트남인 한국어 학습자, orthographic depth hypothesis, 표기심도가설, phonological processing, 음운정보처리
한국어 음성상징어의 모음조화 재고: 말뭉치 기반 계량적 접근
김선회 ( Kim Sun-hoi ) , 남성현 ( Nam Sunghyun )  한국현대언어학회, 언어연구 [2019] 제35권 제3호, 309~325페이지(총17페이지)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the learning motivation of Korean learners who are studying in Korean Certificate Course at Yangon University of Foreign Languages. In this study, motivational questionnaire was developed and data were collected through questionnaire survey method. As a re...
TAG vowel harmony, Korean sound-symbolic words, light vowels, dark vowels, neutral vowels
영어 동사합성어와 관련성 이론
양정연 ( Yang Jeong Yeon ) , 이상철 ( Lee Sangcheol )  한국현대언어학회, 언어연구 [2019] 제35권 제3호, 327~339페이지(총13페이지)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the learning motivation of Korean learners who are studying in Korean Certificate Course at Yangon University of Foreign Languages. In this study, motivational questionnaire was developed and data were collected through questionnaire survey method. As a re...
TAG English compound verb, endocentric, exocentric, relevance theory, ad hoc concept
DDL이 영어 생산적 및 수용적 어휘 지식과 읽기 능력에 미치는 효과 연구
이상희 ( Lee Sanghee ) , 김성희 ( Kim Sunghee ) , 정양수 ( Jung Yangsoo )  한국현대언어학회, 언어연구 [2019] 제35권 제3호, 341~360페이지(총20페이지)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the learning motivation of Korean learners who are studying in Korean Certificate Course at Yangon University of Foreign Languages. In this study, motivational questionnaire was developed and data were collected through questionnaire survey method. As a re...
TAG DDL, receptive / productive vocabulary knowledge, repeated measures ANOVA, reading comprehension
Analyzing Subjecthood Tests in Korean Using a Cross-Validation
( Lee Yong-hun ) , ( Kim Ji-hye )  한국현대언어학회, 언어연구 [2019] 제35권 제3호, 361~373페이지(총13페이지)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the learning motivation of Korean learners who are studying in Korean Certificate Course at Yangon University of Foreign Languages. In this study, motivational questionnaire was developed and data were collected through questionnaire survey method. As a re...
TAG subjecthood diagnostics, multiple subject constructions, magnitude estimation, cross-validation, machine learning
Korean EFL Learners’ Identification of English Consonant Contrasts in Word-final Position
( Park Sang-yean ) , ( Lee Shinsook )  한국현대언어학회, 언어연구 [2019] 제35권 제3호, 375~388페이지(총14페이지)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the learning motivation of Korean learners who are studying in Korean Certificate Course at Yangon University of Foreign Languages. In this study, motivational questionnaire was developed and data were collected through questionnaire survey method. As a re...
TAG English consonant identification, types of contrasting pairs, vowel contexts, correlation, L2/ foreign language sound learning
Categorization of Korean Double Accusative Constructions
( Park Wookyung ) , ( Lee Kyoungmi )  한국현대언어학회, 언어연구 [2019] 제35권 제3호, 389~399페이지(총11페이지)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the learning motivation of Korean learners who are studying in Korean Certificate Course at Yangon University of Foreign Languages. In this study, motivational questionnaire was developed and data were collected through questionnaire survey method. As a re...
TAG double accusative constructions, postpositional particles, -(l)ul, focus, topic
NPI licensing in the INP contexts - Reviving the NOA
( Sohn Keunwon )  한국현대언어학회, 언어연구 [2019] 제35권 제3호, 401~413페이지(총13페이지)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the learning motivation of Korean learners who are studying in Korean Certificate Course at Yangon University of Foreign Languages. In this study, motivational questionnaire was developed and data were collected through questionnaire survey method. As a re...
TAG negative complementizer, NPI, inherently negative predicate, negative operator, strong feature
「とか」の機能の變化: 幷立機能から副助詞·引用機能へ
李妙熙 ( Lee Myo-hee )  한국현대언어학회, 언어연구 [2019] 제35권 제3호, 415~428페이지(총14페이지)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the learning motivation of Korean learners who are studying in Korean Certificate Course at Yangon University of Foreign Languages. In this study, motivational questionnaire was developed and data were collected through questionnaire survey method. As a re...
TAG Coordinator, toka, Adverbial Particle, Quotation Marker, Shift of Function
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