발행기관 : 한국수학교육학회 AND 간행물명 : D-수학교육연구385 개 논문이 검색 되었습니다.
Brain Activity Related with Mathematics Anxiety
( Eun Jeong Yun ) , ( In Sun Shin )  한국수학교육학회, D-수학교육연구 [2015] 제19권 제2호, 117~139페이지(총23페이지)
TAG mathematics anxiety, EEG, delta wave, brain connectivity, working memory
Elementary and Secondary School Teachers` Perspectives of Effective Mathematics Teaching
( Jeong Suk Pang ) , ( Mi Sun Kwon )  한국수학교육학회, D-수학교육연구 [2015] 제19권 제2호, 141~153페이지(총13페이지)
TAG effective mathematics teaching, elementary school teachers, secondary school teacher, teachers` perspective
Reflection as Professional Knowledge for Mathematics Teachers1
( Na Young Kwon ) , ( Chandra Orrill )  한국수학교육학회, D-수학교육연구 [2015] 제19권 제1호, 1~17페이지(총17페이지)
TAG reflection, middle school, in-service teacher, professional knowledge
Enhancing Student Beliefs about Mathematical Problem Solving: Effects of a Problem-Solving based Intervention
( Feng Deng ) , ( Eng Guan Tay ) , ( Tin Lam Toh ) , ( Yew Hoong Leong ) , ( Khiok Seng Quek ) , ( Pee Choon Toh ) , ( Jaguthsing Dindyal ) , ( Foo Him Ho )  한국수학교육학회, D-수학교육연구 [2015] 제19권 제1호, 19~41페이지(총23페이지)
TAG mathematical problem solving, belief system, attitude, mathematics education
The Changes of Teachers` Verbal Feedback in Mathematics Classroom within Chinese Context during Ten Years
( Na Li ) , ( Yiming Cao )  한국수학교육학회, D-수학교육연구 [2015] 제19권 제1호, 43~59페이지(총17페이지)
TAG teacher verbal feedback, changes, professional development, primary school mathematics
The Pseudo-Covariational Reasoning Thought Processes in Constructing Graph Function of Reversible Event Dynamics Based on Assimilation and Accommodation Frameworks
( Rajiden Subanji ) , ( Ahman Maedi Supratman )  한국수학교육학회, D-수학교육연구 [2015] 제19권 제1호, 61~79페이지(총19페이지)
TAG pseudo-thinking process, assimilation, accommodation covariational reasoning, graph, invert dynamics events
Students` Self-Regulated Learning Strategies in Traditional and Non-Traditional Classroom: A Comparative Study
( Tumenbayar Davaanyam ) , ( Navchaa Tserendorj )  한국수학교육학회, D-수학교육연구 [2015] 제19권 제1호, 81~88페이지(총8페이지)
TAG self-regulated Learning, SRL, strategies, cognitive Learning strategies, metacognitive Learning strategies, time and resource management, traditional and nontraditional classroom
Primary School Students` Understanding of Equation Structure and the Meaning of Equal Sign: A Chinese Sample Study
( Xin Rong Yang ) , ( Yu Jia Huo ) , ( Yan Xiong Yan )  한국수학교육학회, D-수학교육연구 [2014] 제18권 제4호, 237~256페이지(총20페이지)
TAG equal sign, equations, Chinese primary school students, early algebra
Prospective Primary School Teachers Views on the Nature of Mathematics
( Eun Kyung Kang )  한국수학교육학회, D-수학교육연구 [2014] 제18권 제4호, 257~272페이지(총16페이지)
TAG teacher education, prospective primary teachers, teachers` beliefs about mathematics
Computational Thinking based Mathematical Program for Free Semester System
( Ji Yoon Lee ) , ( Han Hyuk Cho )  한국수학교육학회, D-수학교육연구 [2014] 제18권 제4호, 273~288페이지(총16페이지)
TAG computational thinking, coding education, free semester, 3D printer, 3D turtle representation, figurate number pattern
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