학술논문 > 어문학 > 언어학
재한난민의 한국사회적응에 나타난 종교기관의 역할
박미숙 ( Park Misuk )  한국언어문화교육학회, 언어와 문화 [2021] 제17권 제1호, 29~52페이지(총24페이지)
The refugees leave their homeland for survival or to improve quality of life and live to adapt to the new environment, moving to other countries. This study aims to explore the role of religion as refugees who have moved to Korea adapt to Korean society. The study conducted in-depth interviews with ...
TAG Refugees in Korea, 재한난민, Identity, 정체성, Adaptation to Society, 사회적응, Religious Institutions, 종교기관, Case Study, 사례연구
다문화이해강사 결혼이주여성의 문화매개 경험에 관한 사례연구
김순혜 ( Kim Soonhye ) , 김영순 ( Kim Youngsoon )  한국언어문화교육학회, 언어와 문화 [2021] 제17권 제1호, 1~28페이지(총28페이지)
The refugees leave their homeland for survival or to improve quality of life and live to adapt to the new environment, moving to other countries. This study aims to explore the role of religion as refugees who have moved to Korea adapt to Korean society. The study conducted in-depth interviews with ...
TAG Marriage migrant women, 결혼이주여성, Multicultural understanding instructor, 다문화이해강사, Cultural awareness, 문화인식, Cultural medium, 문화매개
Traduction télécollaborative en contexte pandémique : le cas de la BD ivoirienne Aya de Yopougon cotraduite en coréen
( Guillaume Jeanmaire ) , 김대영 ( Daeyoung Kim )  한국외국어대학교 통번역연구소, 통번역학연구 [2021] 제25권 제1호, 271~307페이지(총37페이지)
The refugees leave their homeland for survival or to improve quality of life and live to adapt to the new environment, moving to other countries. This study aims to explore the role of religion as refugees who have moved to Korea adapt to Korean society. The study conducted in-depth interviews with ...
TAG 만화책, 아프리카, 실시간 비대면강의, 멀티모달 번역, 학습자의 능동적 참여, comic book, Africa, video-conferencing courses, multimodal translation, learner’s engagement
번역 교수자의 교수역량 규명을 위한 이론 고찰 - 강의 전 교수역량을 중심으로
최은실 ( Choi Eun Sil )  한국외국어대학교 통번역연구소, 통번역학연구 [2021] 제25권 제1호, 245~270페이지(총26페이지)
The refugees leave their homeland for survival or to improve quality of life and live to adapt to the new environment, moving to other countries. This study aims to explore the role of religion as refugees who have moved to Korea adapt to Korean society. The study conducted in-depth interviews with ...
TAG 역량, 교수역량, 번역 교수자, 번역 수업, 번역 교육, competency, teaching competency, translator trainer, translation class, translation education
한불 문학번역 교육에서 서사학을 적용한 시제처리 학습 연구
최미경 ( Choi Mi-kyung )  한국외국어대학교 통번역연구소, 통번역학연구 [2021] 제25권 제1호, 217~244페이지(총28페이지)
The refugees leave their homeland for survival or to improve quality of life and live to adapt to the new environment, moving to other countries. This study aims to explore the role of religion as refugees who have moved to Korea adapt to Korean society. The study conducted in-depth interviews with ...
TAG 한불문학번역교육, 시제의 번역, 서술의 시제, 서사학, 인용문, literary translation training into foreign language, translation of verb tense, narrative tense, Narratology, quotation
한영 법령번역 스타일에 대한 제언: 한국법제연구원 법령번역센터의 법령번역 지침 개발 사례를 중심으로
이지은 ( Lee Jieun ) , 최효은 ( Choi Hyo-eun ) , 박혜진 ( Park Hyejin )  한국외국어대학교 통번역연구소, 통번역학연구 [2021] 제25권 제1호, 177~216페이지(총40페이지)
The refugees leave their homeland for survival or to improve quality of life and live to adapt to the new environment, moving to other countries. This study aims to explore the role of religion as refugees who have moved to Korea adapt to Korean society. The study conducted in-depth interviews with ...
TAG 법령번역, 알기 쉬운 법령, 한영 법령번역 지침, 번역사, 통일성, statutory translation, plain language legislation, Korean-English translation style guide, translators, consistency
TED 강연 자막의 양적 축소 전략 연구: 팬자막과 전문가 자막 비교
이지민 ( Lee Jimin )  한국외국어대학교 통번역연구소, 통번역학연구 [2021] 제25권 제1호, 141~176페이지(총36페이지)
The refugees leave their homeland for survival or to improve quality of life and live to adapt to the new environment, moving to other countries. This study aims to explore the role of religion as refugees who have moved to Korea adapt to Korean society. The study conducted in-depth interviews with ...
TAG 팬자막, 전문가 번역, 강연 번역, 양적 축소, TED, EBS, fansub, professional subtitles, lecture translation, quantity reduction
온라인수업에 대한 통번역대학원 학습자 인식 - 교수자 인식과의 비교를 중심으로
송연석 ( Yonsuk Song )  한국외국어대학교 통번역연구소, 통번역학연구 [2021] 제25권 제1호, 119~140페이지(총22페이지)
The refugees leave their homeland for survival or to improve quality of life and live to adapt to the new environment, moving to other countries. This study aims to explore the role of religion as refugees who have moved to Korea adapt to Korean society. The study conducted in-depth interviews with ...
TAG 실시간 온라인통번역교육, 통번역 학습자 인식, 온라인 통번역수업, 실시간 온라인수업, 대면 상호작용, synchronous online T, I training, T, I trainees’ perspectives, online T, I training, real-time online classes, face-to-face interaction
학부 번역교육의 맥락에서 바라본 트랜스크리에이션의 개념적 유용성 연구 - 광고번역 결과물의 텍스트 내적·외적 분석을 통한 실증적 고찰
선영화 ( Sun Young-hwa )  한국외국어대학교 통번역연구소, 통번역학연구 [2021] 제25권 제1호, 73~118페이지(총46페이지)
The refugees leave their homeland for survival or to improve quality of life and live to adapt to the new environment, moving to other countries. This study aims to explore the role of religion as refugees who have moved to Korea adapt to Korean society. The study conducted in-depth interviews with ...
TAG 트랜스크리에이션, 번역 교육, 광고번역, 창조성, 번역 방법, transcreation, translator education, advertising translation, creativity, translation procedures
통역 분야 활용 목적의 작업기억폭 검사 신뢰도 연구
배문정 ( Bae Munjung )  한국외국어대학교 통번역연구소, 통번역학연구 [2021] 제25권 제1호, 51~72페이지(총22페이지)
The refugees leave their homeland for survival or to improve quality of life and live to adapt to the new environment, moving to other countries. This study aims to explore the role of religion as refugees who have moved to Korea adapt to Korean society. The study conducted in-depth interviews with ...
TAG 통역, 작업기억, 읽기폭, 연산폭, 신뢰도, interpreting, working memory, reading span, operation span, reliability
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