학술논문 > 어문학 > 언어학
20세기 초기 종결어미의 분포와 용법 -표기체와 사용역을 중심으로-
안예리 ( Ye Lee An )  시학과 언어학회, 시학과 언어학 [2014] 제28권 7~29페이지(총23페이지)
This paper attempts to examine the use of Korean final endings in the 1900s according to type of text. Most previous studies on early twentieth century final endings have focused on the honorific system; however, the use of final endings in that period is also closely related to writing style shifts...
TAG 종결어미, 개화기국어, 국한문체, 순한글체, 사용역, final endings, Enlightenment Period Korean, mixed script, pure Korean script, register
구어 교육적 관점에서의 “-지 않아요?” 연구
이기영 ( Kie Young Yi )  시학과 언어학회, 시학과 언어학 [2014] 제28권 31~57페이지(총27페이지)
This paper attempts to examine the use of Korean final endings in the 1900s according to type of text. Most previous studies on early twentieth century final endings have focused on the honorific system; however, the use of final endings in that period is also closely related to writing style shifts...
TAG 구어 교육, -지 않아요?, 구어적 표현, 말뭉치, 부정 의문형, 덩어리 표현, Spoken language training, “-지 않아요?”, Spoken language (colloquial), Corpus, Negative interrogative ending, Chunk
염상섭의 통속 장편소설 『모란꽃 필 때』 연구
김병구 ( Byeong Gu Kim )  시학과 언어학회, 시학과 언어학 [2014] 제28권 59~84페이지(총26페이지)
This paper attempts to examine the use of Korean final endings in the 1900s according to type of text. Most previous studies on early twentieth century final endings have focused on the honorific system; however, the use of final endings in that period is also closely related to writing style shifts...
TAG 염상섭, 인식론적 구조, 정서적 구조, 윤리적 사고, 통속성, 모던걸, 아메리카니즘, 오리엔탈리즘, 민족 동일성, 서사적 욕망, Yeom Sangseop, cognitive structure, emotive structure, ethical thinking, vulgar, ‘modern-girl’, Americanism, Orentalism, national identity, narrative desire
실경(實景)의 감각과 글쓰기의 근대성 -최남선의 『少年』을 중심으로-
송명진 ( Myung Jin Song )  시학과 언어학회, 시학과 언어학 [2014] 제28권 85~104페이지(총20페이지)
This paper attempts to examine the use of Korean final endings in the 1900s according to type of text. Most previous studies on early twentieth century final endings have focused on the honorific system; however, the use of final endings in that period is also closely related to writing style shifts...
TAG 최남선, 글쓰기, 『소년』, 여행기, 일상성, Choi Nam-seon, writing, So-Nyeon, travelogue, dailiness
『예덕선생전(穢德先生傳)』의 한 독법 -『마장전 (馬장傳)』과의 병렬적 인접 배열의 측면에서-
조경은 ( Kyeong Eun Cho )  시학과 언어학회, 시학과 언어학 [2014] 제28권 105~133페이지(총29페이지)
This paper attempts to examine the use of Korean final endings in the 1900s according to type of text. Most previous studies on early twentieth century final endings have focused on the honorific system; however, the use of final endings in that period is also closely related to writing style shifts...
TAG 예덕선생전, 마장전, 방경각외전, 목소리, 수사적 효과, Ye-Doek sunsaeng Jeon(穢德先生傳, a Tale of Sir Virtue of Dirt, YD), Majang-Joen(馬장傳, a Tale of Horse-Broker, MJ), Bangkyeong-gak Oejoeon(放瓊閣外傳, BO), voice, rhetorical effects
법률이야기(legal story)의 정치성과 가족주의 이데올로기 -최찬식 신소설을 중심으로-
홍순애 ( Sun Ae Hong )  시학과 언어학회, 시학과 언어학 [2014] 제28권 136~163페이지(총28페이지)
This paper attempts to examine the use of Korean final endings in the 1900s according to type of text. Most previous studies on early twentieth century final endings have focused on the honorific system; however, the use of final endings in that period is also closely related to writing style shifts...
TAG 식민지 법, 법률이야기, 신소설, 가족주의, 법질서, colonial law, legal story, Shinsosul, familism, law and order
한국문화교육을 위한 고전문학 활용 방안 -상호문화이해를 위한 “접점” 찾기-
조현우 ( Hyun Woo Cho )  시학과 언어학회, 시학과 언어학 [2014] 제28권 163~191페이지(총29페이지)
This paper attempts to examine the use of Korean final endings in the 1900s according to type of text. Most previous studies on early twentieth century final endings have focused on the honorific system; however, the use of final endings in that period is also closely related to writing style shifts...
TAG 한국문화교육, 상호문화교육, 상호문화이해, 고전문학, 고급 학습자, 상호주관성, Korean Culture Education, Intercultural Education, Intercultural Understanding, Korean Classical Literature, Advanced Learners, Intersubjectivity
SOMMAIRE : Harry Potter in True Translation: Long Live the Original
( Amelie Depierre )  한국통역번역학회, FORUM [2014] 제12권 제2호, 1~24페이지(총24페이지)
This paper attempts to examine the use of Korean final endings in the 1900s according to type of text. Most previous studies on early twentieth century final endings have focused on the honorific system; however, the use of final endings in that period is also closely related to writing style shifts...
TAG Harry Potter, skopos, translation, mistranslation, accuracy
SOMMAIRE : Power Hierarchy in Translation Field: With a Reference to a Feminist Translator`s The Color Purple in Taiwan
( Elaine Tzu Yi Lee )  한국통역번역학회, FORUM [2014] 제12권 제2호, 25~44페이지(총20페이지)
This paper attempts to examine the use of Korean final endings in the 1900s according to type of text. Most previous studies on early twentieth century final endings have focused on the honorific system; however, the use of final endings in that period is also closely related to writing style shifts...
TAG Alice Walker, feminist translator, gender and sex, paratextuality, 1980s Taiwan
SOMMAIRE : Charles Bally and the Origins of Translational Equivalence
( Anthony Pym )  한국통역번역학회, FORUM [2014] 제12권 제2호, 45~63페이지(총19페이지)
This paper attempts to examine the use of Korean final endings in the 1900s according to type of text. Most previous studies on early twentieth century final endings have focused on the honorific system; however, the use of final endings in that period is also closely related to writing style shifts...
TAG Charles Bally, translation theory, equivalence, stylistics, comparative Linguistics
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